skandragon / thing

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Very annoying - need to go back and add/remove decimals - ack! ptui! #132

Open Gwynnyd2 opened 7 years ago

Gwynnyd2 commented 7 years ago

From the proofreaders - (scheduler's comments added - Gwynnyd)

Greetings! Can you kick this up the line to see if these web-entry items can be modified either now or for next year?

First, fix the two boxes for entering fees so that we as proofreaders don't have to keep adding that dratted 0 every time we go back to the class for proofreading. This is the first year that this annoyance has happened. The boxes insist that the fee be entered in a particular format such as 3.00. However, some quirk deletes the final zero every time the entry is left for another entry and it appears as 3.0. When we go back to the class for more proofreading, we cannot close out until we go back to add that missing 0.

(which is weird because I, as scheduler, have to go back and remove the decimal and trailing zero before it will let me update the class - Gwynnyd)

Second, here's a suggestion from last year (or the year before) - The web developer should make it so that if either of the fee boxes are used, then the instructor CANNOT close out of the class until he/she enters something into the "fee itemization" box. Can a restriction can be added to the instructor's attempt to enter a class so that the "fee itemization" box MUST have something listed if any of the fee boxes are filled?

(and that would be brilliant - Gwynnyd)

Given the amount of time we invest in proofreading all these classes, fixing those two problems would be helpful to us and greatly appreciated!

skandragon commented 7 years ago

Is this working as intended at this point?