skandragon / thing

Apache License 2.0
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Volunteering to help #143

Open Cordelya opened 6 years ago

Cordelya commented 6 years ago says that anyone interested in helping should ping the maintainers via Github.

I have several motivations for volunteering to assist with this project:

1) I am moving from the Gulf Coast to the Mid-Atlantic and need to take on some volunteer work that is Pennsic-connected 2) I am currently assisting the Gulf Wars Artisans Row coordinators with tech solutions and would like to implement an instance of Thing for GW as there have been some struggles with comms and organization. 3) I want to learn more web programming/scripting languages. I'm familiar with PHP and JS. My SQL could use practice. 4) It is much easier for me to learn new programming languages if I have an actual project to work on.

I can be reached at

Eh2406 commented 6 years ago

I to would love to help with The Thing. I have Frontend and Data Analysis experience, unfortunately no Ruby experience yet. I can be contacted at, but would prefer to communicate in public where possible, as that helps others learn how to help after me.