skandragon / thing

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More descriptive labeling on schedule grid header #64

Open Gwynnyd opened 11 years ago

Gwynnyd commented 11 years ago

The paper version of the grid has annotations on the header to show what is in the tent - ie: hot tent, messy tent, bardic classes, first aid, etc. For the future versions of the grid, is that kind of label addition possible?

Can that be put in by the registrar, as that changes from year to year, and sometimes from day to day - "hot - glass"on three days and simply "hot" on the others.

skandragon commented 11 years ago

I'm assuming this is an enhancement for next year, not for this year. :)

Currently, locations are hard coded. I think a good idea for next year would be to make these, and tracks and subjects and all that stuff, entered by the admin, so new tracks can be created at any time, removed, renamed, etc. Let's ensure that the temporal nature of locations is handled properly as well, as in some cases track X has access to location Y, but only on certain days, etc.

Gwynnyd commented 11 years ago

The future™ definitely!