skardhamar / rga

R Google Analytics
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Wrong propierties showned #60

Open OmarGonD opened 9 years ago

OmarGonD commented 9 years ago

0 down vote favorite I work with 2 emails for accesing Google Analtics. Each one has access to diffent accounts within Google Analytics. I use email A at my house, and email B at work.

Now, im using RGA (from CRAN) within R, and at my house i need to access the Google Analytics accounts from the Email B (work email, that has access to specific Google Analytics accounts).

The problem is that when using this code:

'ga_token <- authorize(, client.secret, cache = TRUE, verbose = getOption("rga.verbose", FALSE))' Then I use this to get accounts:

'get_accounts(start.index = NULL, max.results = NULL, ga_token, verbose = getOption("rga.verbose", FALSE))'

The problem: is that i want to get the accounts for email B, but no matter what i just get the accounts related with email A.

I've delated all my Google Analytics API projects (from A and B), and recreated the API for Email B. But no matter what, i just get the accounts for email A.

**My Google Api project was created with B (the email with the access to the desire account). But i just see accounts related to A.

What can i do? Thanks

MarkEdmondson1234 commented 9 years ago

You need to create two different tokens which will have the authorization for the email you authenticate via the Google login page. Its also a lot easier to use the method way described in the readme, but for your examples:

##authenticate with first email
ga_token1 <- authorize(, client.secret, cache = TRUE, verbose = getOption("rga.verbose", FALSE))
##authenticate with second email
ga_token2 <- authorize(, client.secret, cache = TRUE, verbose = getOption("rga.verbose", FALSE))

Then to get accounts:

get_accounts(start.index = NULL, max.results = NULL, ga_token1, verbose = getOption("rga.verbose", FALSE))
get_accounts(start.index = NULL, max.results = NULL, ga_token2, verbose = getOption("rga.verbose", FALSE))

But I would do it this way:

## authenticate under first email = "ga1")
## authenticate under second email = "ga2")

Then to call data such as profiles:

profiles1 <- ga1$getProfiles()
profiles2 <- ga2$getProfiles()
OmarGonD commented 9 years ago

Hi Mark, thanks for your answer. I think we are talking about different packages. There is this rga package (on github), and there is the other RGA package (from other authors) in CRAN.

i did not know this, so i posted that code here. However, it should be posted in other place.

I was confused, and now i'm trying this with the rga package from "skardhammar". But i still have problems with accesing 2 different google analytics accounts.

This is my code, so someone may help me:


install_github("rga", "skardhamar")
library(rga) = "ga1",  = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", 
         client.secret = "yyyyyyyyyyyy") = "ga2",  = "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz", 
         client.secret = "wwwwwwwwwwwwww")


This still gives me the same profiles... what i'm doing wrong?