I am trying to automate the date conversion of different columns in a table
here is what my table looks like
DAsset1 PAsset1 DAsset2 PAsset2 DAsset3 PAsset3
1 38721 95.53 38812 1734.55 38812 1123.60
2 38722 93.55 38814 1705.95 38814 1093.50
3 38723 94.33 38817 1695.60 38817 1202.85
4 38726 94.70 38819 1699.75 38819 1197.65
5 38727 94.78 38820 1701.85 38820 1193.50
6 38729 90.55 38824 1624.50 38824 1217.55
So i want to change date format for DAsset1,DAsset2,DAsset3
in the following way
for(i in 1:n)
if(i %% 2!=0)
But i am getting this error
Error in as.Date.default(Data[f]) : do not know how to convert 'Data[f]' to class “Date”
I am trying to automate the date conversion of different columns in a table here is what my table looks like DAsset1 PAsset1 DAsset2 PAsset2 DAsset3 PAsset3 1 38721 95.53 38812 1734.55 38812 1123.60 2 38722 93.55 38814 1705.95 38814 1093.50 3 38723 94.33 38817 1695.60 38817 1202.85 4 38726 94.70 38819 1699.75 38819 1197.65 5 38727 94.78 38820 1701.85 38820 1193.50 6 38729 90.55 38824 1624.50 38824 1217.55
So i want to change date format for DAsset1,DAsset2,DAsset3 in the following way
for(i in 1:n) { if(i %% 2!=0) { Data[i]=as.Date(paste0("Data$DAsset",i),origin="1899-12-29",format=) Data[i] next } }
But i am getting this error Error in as.Date.default(Data[f]) : do not know how to convert 'Data[f]' to class “Date”