skaslev / gl3w

Simple OpenGL core profile loading
The Unlicense
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CMake doesn't work out of the box #66

Open salesvictor opened 4 years ago

salesvictor commented 4 years ago


First of all, great library! I was planning on doing exactly this for my project and it's great to see that somebody already had this idea and nicely executed it.

I tried adding this as-is to my project using either CMake's FetchContent or a normal add_subdirectory call, but both lead to the same problem when making an linking gl3w after an add_library: it says it's missing the gl3w.c file.

I believe that's because the .c and .h files generated by the Python script is done so at the build time, and this checking is happening at configure time, so they are not there yet. If I run the script myself beforehand everything compiles fine.

I am not an expert at this, but is it possible to make the file generation happen just once at configure time? This would make embedding gl3w into newer projects more straight forward.

If it matters, I am on Windows, using CMake version 3.17.0-rc1 with MSVC 16.5.1. If any more information is needed I am happy to provide them.


concatime commented 3 years ago

Same issue here.

podgorskiy commented 3 years ago

@salesvictor , @concatime , I execute at the beginning of the CMakelist with a command like: execute_process(COMMAND python --root ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/libs/gl3w WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/libs/gl3w) Example: Doing this for many years now, never had problems with it.

bwrsandman commented 2 years ago

I'm using gl3w with FetchContent. I was able to have it working out of the box by commenting one line out:

Try my branch:

travishaynes commented 1 year ago

Here's a CMake script I wrote using FetchContent to include this in my project. It solves two issues I had with the one in this project: The install rules aren't optional, making it difficult, if not impossible, to exclude the sources in a CPack generated installer. I don't want to redistribute the gl3w sources with my app. And the sources are generated at build-time, when they really should be generated pre-build so an IDE can find them before it compiles the first time.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.24)

find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED)
find_package(PythonInterp REQUIRED)

FetchContent_Declare(gl3w GIT_REPOSITORY "" GIT_TAG "master")

message(CHECK_START "Fetching skaslev/gl3w from GitHub")
message(CHECK_PASS "Done")

message(CHECK_START "Generating gl3w sources")
message(CHECK_PASS "Done")

add_library(gl3w INTERFACE)

target_sources(gl3w INTERFACE

target_sources(gl3w INTERFACE FILE_SET HEADERS


target_include_directories(gl3w INTERFACE

target_link_libraries(gl3w INTERFACE OpenGL::GL ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS})
bwrsandman commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the script. It works but is not ideal.