skasperski / navigation_2d

ROS nodes to navigate a mobile robot in a planar environment
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Issue with Mapping Using Physical Turtlebot Without Joystick (Modifed Tutorial 3) #56

Open s-arora1987 opened 4 years ago

s-arora1987 commented 4 years ago


I am trying to implement graph based SLAM (nav2d_karto) work with Turtlebot 2. I modified tutorial3.launch in nav2d_tutorials as following:

All nodes launched as expected: NODES /camera/ camera_nodelet_manager (nodelet/nodelet) depth_registered_hw_metric_rect (nodelet/nodelet) depth_registered_metric (nodelet/nodelet) depth_registered_rectify_depth (nodelet/nodelet) depth_registered_sw_metric_rect (nodelet/nodelet) disparity_depth (nodelet/nodelet) disparity_registered_hw (nodelet/nodelet) disparity_registered_sw (nodelet/nodelet) driver (nodelet/nodelet) ir_rectify_ir (nodelet/nodelet) points_xyzrgb_hw_registered (nodelet/nodelet) points_xyzrgb_sw_registered (nodelet/nodelet) register_depth_rgb (nodelet/nodelet) / Explore (nav2d_navigator/explore_client) GetMap (nav2d_navigator/get_map_client) Joystick (joy/joy_node) Mapper (nav2d_karto/mapper) Navigator (nav2d_navigator/navigator) Operator (nav2d_operator/operator) Remote (nav2d_remote/remote_joy) SetGoal (nav2d_navigator/set_goal_client) depthimage_to_laserscan (nodelet/nodelet)

ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311 process[camera/camera_nodelet_manager-1]: started with pid [19304] [ERROR] [1579035187.686762725]: Skipped loading plugin with error: XML Document '/opt/ros/kinetic/share/hector_pose_estimation/hector_pose_estimation_nodelets.xml' has no Root Element. This likely means the XML is malformed or missing.. process[camera/disparity_depth-11]: started with pid [19414] [ERROR] [1579035188.216765198]: Couldn't open joystick /dev/input/js0. Will retry every second. ...

I don't have a joy stick, but I can see mapping and exploration services in rosservice list. When I do 'rosservice call /StartMapping' to start the mapping, robot didn't move. The output I got is success: True message: "Send GetFirstMapGoal to Navigator."

Same issue with StartExploration service. On launching services, It does display any error in terminal and it didn't do the rotation expected at beginning of mapping. Please let me know how to troubleshoot this problem.