skasperski / navigation_2d

ROS nodes to navigate a mobile robot in a planar environment
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Nav2d setup troubles #8

Closed mathew-kurian closed 9 years ago

mathew-kurian commented 9 years ago


Our tf tree does not have an offset frame between the map and the odometry. So, is there anyway we can just remove that from MultiMapper.cpp and have no problems. Or is that a required component for your library? And what is the purpose of the offset tf for your implementation?

Bear with me as I am still new to this.

Thank you!

skasperski commented 9 years ago

This is strange, your Odometry seems to publish the robots real pose in the world, no matter how I set the heading at start. Can you rotate the walls in the Gazebo-Simulation a little bit?

mathew-kurian commented 9 years ago

@skasperski You mean the whole map itself?

skasperski commented 9 years ago

Yes, the "walls"-object in Gazebo.

mathew-kurian commented 9 years ago

Let me look into that. If I can't do it. I will ask the person in charge of the navigation system tomorrow. He should know. For now, I made the robot start at an edge wall (facing it) and then the it moved away from the wall and did the exploration. It performed really well until it the following error which i have never seen before.

Failed to extrapolate transform. Requires look up transform into past... (something like that; 
my terminal was not set to unlimited history which made me loose the error)
mathew-kurian commented 9 years ago

You can rotate the model by adjusting pose of "walls_model" in

mathew-kurian commented 9 years ago

Wow! The map it produced is shown below. It failed because on the following error:

[ERROR] [1418298728.908840716, 1174.531000000]: Could not get robot position: Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  
Requested time 1163.711000000 but the earliest data is at time 1164.903000000, 
when looking up transform from frame [base_link] to frame [map]


skasperski commented 9 years ago

The map looks good. It's strange to have this kind of TF-error out of a sudden. Maybe some node couldn't catch up after the Mapper has been busy completing a loop-closure. Can you just restart the exploration-action and see if it finishes correctly?

mathew-kurian commented 9 years ago

@skasperski I am trying that but it seems to be something wrong with the computer not keeping up with the resource requirements. So it should be fine. Out of curiosity what does the conformance_weight do? And on a sidenote, your robot models for Tutorial4 don't seem to work for some reason (hydro). It gives me an error in RobotModel (some tf frames have not been found). Additionally, how do you handle which robot to give the commands to. I see that sim_joy is sending commands to all the robots, how do you choose which one to give a command to. In your tutorial, it says press 1 and then use the joystick to control robot_0. But, I am not sure how you are giving each one their command uniquely. Furthurmore, what happens if I miss the estimated frequency too many times as in the following line of code (

skasperski commented 9 years ago

what does the conformance_weight do?

It determines, how strictly the operator follows the direction given by the navigator. So it reduces the influence of the obstacle avoidance.

your robot models for Tutorial4 don't seem to work for some reason (hydro).

Yes, because the model expects to get the state of the wheels as dynamic transform, which is not provided by the Stage-Simulator. But the model in RVIZ is not really useful anyway and I think the pioneer model will be fixed (or is already).

how do you handle which robot to give the commands to?

Stage puts every robot in a namespace, so you have "/robot_0/cmd_vel", "/robot_1/cmd_vel" and so on. sim_joy publishes to these topics depending on which button you hold while moving the stick.

what happens if I miss the estimated frequency too many times

Then the navigator will not be able to update the command and the operator will continue following the last received command. This can cause oscillating behaviour if the robot moves too fast.

mathew-kurian commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the detailed response. But can you let me know where in sim_joy does the check on "which button you hold" before publishing it. For some reason, i can't spot it.

skasperski commented 9 years ago

mathew-kurian commented 9 years ago

Thanks. Wow can't believe i didn't see that. Its 3:10AM here so I'm getting tired.

skasperski commented 9 years ago

Yep, this also happens to me, if I look at code for too long. ;)

mathew-kurian commented 9 years ago

@skasperski In tutorial4, the first robot is localized and is doing the mapping. However, the second robot_2 starts moving, robot_1 cannot be controlled by the joystick. Why is that?

mathew-kurian commented 9 years ago

@skasperski I have the multiagent tutorial working now, but I have to manually move robot2 until the point cloud is minimized and then we can start the navigator. So this leads to my question, how do we get the second robot to localize? Algorithmically speaking

skasperski commented 9 years ago

Hold button 1 to move robot_0 and button 2 to move robot_1. (This assumes that you are using sim_joy, else you can control only 1 robot) The second robot uses basically AMCL ( to localize itself in the map. Though it is a build-in version and not the node from navigation-stack.

mathew-kurian commented 9 years ago

@skasperski I meant without having to use the joystick for the second one.

skasperski commented 9 years ago

Oh, then you have to start operator and navigator on these robots. Tutorial 4 focuses on the mapping, so the autonomous navigation is left out.

mathew-kurian commented 9 years ago

@skasperski I tried that but it only worked when the point cloud on the second robot was minimized. And the /robot_1/StartMapping 3 would just get stuck

skasperski commented 9 years ago

Sure, because the navigator needs to know where the robot is in order to plan a path.

mathew-kurian commented 9 years ago

@skasperski So you have to physically (via. joystick) move the second robot initlaly before starting the mapping and navigation on itself?

skasperski commented 9 years ago

Yes. Of course it would be much cooler to have some autonomous localization behaviour, that moves the robot around until it is localized, but such a thing does not exist so far.

mathew-kurian commented 9 years ago

@skasperski Hahaha. I am sorry I am new to this (as you could already tell).

skasperski commented 9 years ago

I just remembered something: If you know where you robot is (which is usually the case when you are in simulation), you can initialize the mapper with this pose. The mapper listens on the topic "initialpose" (geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped) and localizes itself on the given point. So you can use this to quickly start mapping when the poses of both robots are known.

mathew-kurian commented 9 years ago

@skasperski I will take a look at that. thanks!

skasperski commented 9 years ago

Curiousity. Why not? Is this considered an NP Hard problem?

You mean the localization behaviour? No, I don't think it'll be too hard. A very simple approach would be to send a forward-command to the Operator (which will avoid obstacles automatically) untill the localization completed. The tricky part is, that your map should be fairly complete around the second robot before you can start localizing.

mathew-kurian commented 9 years ago

@skasperski I see. That makes sense. What is the "robot_state_publisher"?

skasperski commented 9 years ago

It publishes the link connection between robot parts and is usually used for complex moving robots (manipulator arms for example). In nav2d it is only needed to visualize the robot model.

skasperski commented 9 years ago

Can you check-in your launch file so I can run it?

mathew-kurian commented 9 years ago

@skasperski Its all good now. I am sorry!

mathew-kurian commented 9 years ago

@skasperski I wanted to share the link of the demo to you. It can be accessed at UT-BWI. The website is just a simple demo made just for the presentation. It does notify you with an error sometime due to a bug in RVIZ. But other than that, everything runs smoothly. Your library is well-built and ingenious. I also wanted to thank you for taking the time to respond to all my questions.

mathew-kurian commented 9 years ago

Issue closed. Thank you again for all your help.