skatejs / web-components

[DEPRECATED] - The frictionless way to use the webcomponents/webcomponentsjs polyfills.
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ShadyCSS doesn't work in IE11 #34

Closed elmariofredo closed 7 years ago

elmariofredo commented 7 years ago

The reason is because <template> is not implemented in IE11.

One can of course add template polyfill like here but from my understanding it doesn't have much sense to have shadyCss but not template polyfill in skate-web-components package.

Please let me know what do you think.

treshugart commented 7 years ago

Happy to add it to make it IE11 compat. Woud you mind PR'ing? Seems you have the ability to easily test it at the moment.

elmariofredo commented 7 years ago

Sure PR is on its way

Hotell commented 7 years ago


elmariofredo commented 7 years ago

done... sorry it took so long got stuck between my birthday party and "awesome" IE11 debug tools 😉

treshugart commented 7 years ago

Happy birthday! Thanks for the PR; reviewing now.