skclusive / Skclusive.Material.Docs

documentation for blazor Skclusive-UI
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Documentation around icons #5

Open dannyBies opened 4 years ago

dannyBies commented 4 years ago


Awesome library! I've been playing around with it and it looks quite promising. One thing I noticed is that I'm missing documentation around icons; which ones are available and how can you create custom icons. I can figure this out by looking at the source-code but some examples in the documentation would be very helpful.

skclusive commented 4 years ago

thanks for reporting. thats a great catch. i wanted to have a page for icons and missed it. will do add it.

And i have not added all icons from material-ui-icons, only icons required during Docs apps and Samples projects. Adding all will make Skclusive-UI heavy.

do you think, we can move the Icons as separate project (similar to Skclusive-Layout)?

dannyBies commented 4 years ago

If there will be many icons provided I think it makes sense to add them to a separate project. The other option is to leave it up to the user to add icons and only document how to do this.

skclusive commented 4 years ago

thats a great suggestion. for now will keep the current icons.

so the tasks are to create demos for existing icons and documenting how to create custom icons easily.

if you are interested to contribute, feel free to do so.

dannyBies commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately I don't have the time to do this right now. I might have some time in a few weeks but probably not before then.

skclusive commented 4 years ago

no issues. will take care. please continue reporting issues found.

esso23 commented 4 years ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the library size is only a concern when using client-side Blazor App (WebAssembly) - with server-side Blazor you don't really care. It's like 100 extra kB - in my opinion most people won't care about that, but it would be nice to have an option to somehow include icons that you need and exclude others. As far as I know that's not possible in .NET (without creating separate project for each icon) so it would have to be done in JS. Anyway, I think the icons should definitely be included in the library. Having a separate project is probably the easiest solution.

skclusive commented 4 years ago

what you say is correct. library size or number of libraries does not matter in server side blazor. yes. i am not sure tree shaking like functionality is there in blazor. Icons are already is separate sub project. but by default included in the main Skclusive.Material.Component.

may be we can remove it from Skclusive.Material.Component and document how to include the Skclusive.Material.Icon. that would be breaking change though. Also need to document how to add custom icons.