skedgo / DateTimeRangePicker

A date time range picker for android written in Kotlin
MIT License
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Error:(22) No resource identifier found for attribute 'isDone' in package 'com.myapp #14

Open SuperMasterBlasterLaser opened 7 years ago

SuperMasterBlasterLaser commented 7 years ago

I have just added your project in my gradle and it throws me this error during the sync:

    Error:(22) No resource identifier found for attribute 'isDone' in package 'com.myapp'
    Error:(39) No resource identifier found for attribute 'isVisible' in package 'com.myapp'
    Error:(52) No resource identifier found for attribute 'isVisible' in package 'com.myapp'
    Error:(98) No resource identifier found for attribute 'isVisible' in package 'com.myapp'
    Error:(111) No resource identifier found for attribute 'isVisible' in package 'com.myapp'
    Error:(28, 21) No resource type specified (at 'isDone' with value '@{viewModel.isCompletable}').
    Error:(50, 26) No resource type specified (at 'isVisible' with value '@{!viewModel.hasStartDate}').
SuperMasterBlasterLaser commented 7 years ago

I think you have not included your own xml layout attributes

ncherian commented 7 years ago

Is there a solution for this error ?

SuperMasterBlasterLaser commented 7 years ago

@ncherian What I have done.

I have forked this project and added my fork as gralde module in my android project. Then in my main gradle (app module) I have added this inside android:

dataBinding {
    enabled = true
markuspaschi commented 6 years ago

Worked with Android Studio pre 3.0. Now i face this error: Did anyone come up with a solution?

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac'.

android.databinding.tool.util.LoggedErrorException: Found data binding errors. / data binding error msg:Cannot find the setter for attribute 'app:isDone' with parameter type android.databinding.ObservableBoolean on file:C:\Users\marku.gradle\caches\transforms-1\files-1.1\DateTimeRangePicker-v1.3.aar\80f3a844e0a9f0e3c9f07dd88e0eb0f2\res\layout\date_time_range_picker.xml loc:27:22 - 27:44 \ data binding error

DeevD commented 6 years ago

can i get this project sample .. i can't found simple app from this library

HasanMhdAmin commented 6 years ago

in date_time_range_picker.xml just changed:

xmlns:app="" to: xmlns:app=""

xxx.yyy.zzz is your package name