skeeto / elfeed

An Emacs web feeds client
The Unlicense
1.49k stars 116 forks source link doesn't work #519

Open pjhfggij opened 3 months ago

pjhfggij commented 3 months ago

there is something wrong with curl returns nothing curl -L gets correct .rss feed

this doesn't show any entries

(setq elfeed-feeds (quote (
                           ("" linux)

I thought that elfeed out of the box follows redirects?

skeeto commented 3 months ago

The canonical URL has a slash at the end, and the server redirects you there from the non-slash URL, which is why you need -L (--location). You should use the canonical URL if you add it to Elfeed because it would be slightly more efficient, but it's not required so long as they maintain the redirect.

Either way it works for me any way I test it, so perhaps it's a local configuration problem. Clone the repository and "make virtual" to get a clean configuration with a temporary database, add this feed, and then gradually introduce your real configuration until it stops working.

pjhfggij commented 3 months ago

@skeeto thank you, I haven't thought about that. You are right that curl works fine when / is added at end.

Sadly, I've used curl (with slash at the end) since the beginning (as that's how it's been published on archlinux website) and only changed it now when troubleshooting this issue.

I can't remember sadly commands to restart doom emacs with minimal configuration. This is my entire elfeed-related configuration:

(setq elfeed-feeds (quote (
                           ("" linux)
                           ("" archlinux)
                           ("" linux)
(setq elfeed-goodies/entry-pane-size 0.7)
(use-package! elfeed-system-notifier
  :defer t
  :commands elfeed-notifier-mode)

(defun elfeed-desktop-notifications (entry)
  "Parse and display new feeds as desktop notifications."
  (alert (elfeed-deref (elfeed-entry-content entry))
         :title (concat
                 (elfeed-feed-title (elfeed-deref (elfeed-entry-feed entry))) "\n"
                 (elfeed-deref (elfeed-entry-title entry))
         ;; :severity 'high

(add-hook! 'elfeed-new-entry-hook #'elfeed-desktop-notifications)

I can't think of a reason why all the other feeds would work except for archlinux' one, as if it was different for some reason. I've checked firewall just in case and there are no deny archlinux entries.

pjhfggij commented 1 day ago

Sorry for reviving an old thread, but would anyone have any idea how this could be solved? Unfortunately I'm using doom emacs which makes minimizing configuration prohibitively complicated. Are there no other methods to check any parsing errors within elfeed? I'm sure that it receives response from archilinux based on the elfeed-log, which further listed archlinux news:

[2024-10-01 20:31:46] [info]: Elfeed update: October  1 2024 20:31:46 BST