skeeto / elfeed

An Emacs web feeds client
The Unlicense
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How can I format the elfeed-search screen to include the date and tags of the articles/posts #523

Open 00krishna opened 1 month ago

00krishna commented 1 month ago

I am using Spacemacs with elfeed, and it is great. I am getting most of everything that I need. However, one issue that I am having some trouble with is formatting.

When I look at some older pictures of elfeed, I see that users could look at the date of posts in the search screen. Here is an image from the README of this repo, to show what I am talking about.


However, my current Spacemacs configuration looks like this. I believe the layout of the search screen is defined in the Spacemacs layer, so I am not sure where it is defined. I would like to add the date to this picture below, while still keeping the tags, titles, and feed names.


I did not see which functions of variables are responsible for changing the search screen layout columns in the README docs. I would appreciate it if someone could let me know an example of how to do this kind of change. Thank you.

88-percent commented 3 weeks ago

Looks like this behavior is caused by the package elfeed-goodies Spacemacs includes with its elfeed layer.

I've found 2 ways to get the dates to display:

1) disable elfeed-goodies in your dotspacemacs-configuration-layers add the following elisp

     (elfeed :variables
             elfeed-enable-goodies nil)

This will get you a display like that in your screenshot, but you'll lose some of the extras, like the split pane view.

2) use this crazy bit of lisp to hack the date into elfeed-goodies

It works, but I've been having stability issues with it. I think it needs an eval-after-load but I haven't been able to figure out just how to set it up.