skeeto / skewer-mode

Live web development in Emacs
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Skewering HTTPS (mixed-mode loading problems) #56

Open ecraven opened 9 years ago

ecraven commented 9 years ago

Is there a way to tell skewer to use https when skewering pages that are already https? Would make skewer-everything.js much more useful.

Thanks for creating this great emacs mode!

skeeto commented 9 years ago

This is one of the weak spots of Skewer, especially as the web moves more and more towards HTTPS. Emacs has GnuTLS bindings but only for TLS clients (i.e. url-retrieve). So at the moment there's no way to host an HTTPS server within Emacs for Skewer short of writing an entire TLS implementation in Emacs Lisp, which would be a far bigger project than Skewer itself.

ecraven commented 9 years ago

Would it be possible to solve this by using something like socat to forward an ssl socket to emacs?

skeeto commented 9 years ago

That's very likely to be possible. When Emacs is compiled without GnuTLS support, it uses the gnutls command line program instead in a similar way.

Since I don't need this myself at the moment, it's not something I plan to implement, though this doesn't preclude anyone else from trying.

unhammer commented 7 years ago

I've used hitch as a workaround.

Run this once:

mkdir -p ~/.emacs.d/skewer-https/
cd ~/.emacs.d/skewer-https/

openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout skewer-hitch.key -out skewer-hitch.csr \
    -subj "/C=GB/ST=London/L=London/O=Acme Widgets/OU=IT Department/CN=localhost"
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in skewer-hitch.csr -signkey skewer-hitch.key -out skewer-hitch.crt
cat skewer-hitch.key skewer-hitch.crt >skewer-hitch.pem

sudo apt install hitch

and run this after run-skewer:

(unless (get-buffer-process "*skewer-hitch*")
      (start-process "skewer-hitch" "*skewer-hitch*"
                     (format "--backend=[localhost]:%s" httpd-port)
                     (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/skewer-https/skewer-hitch.pem")))

In your web browser, go to https://localhost:38443/skewer and accept the self-signed cert, then change your bookmarklet to have the right port:


(Make sure to reload the page first if you used your old bookmarklet – it'll point to the wrong port.)

I suppose we could add this as a function run-skewer-https that checks if the .pem exists (creating it if not) and runs hitch (giving some helpful message if it's not found)?

skeeto commented 7 years ago

Since @unhammer has reminded me of this thread, I'll also mention that a couple months ago I experimented with using stunnel as a seemless front-end to Skewer. I captured the gist of it here:

However its a bit flaky and I never quite sorted it out:

unhammer commented 7 years ago

Hm, I haven't noticed hitch doing any premature termination – maybe give that a try? It's quite small:

Installed-Size: 201 kB
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.14), libev4 (>= 1:4.04), libssl1.0.0 (>= 1.0.0), init-system-helpers (>= 1.18~), adduser

Why create a new cert on every startup? (Isn't that just creating more work for yourself?) Firefox at least lets me save the cert when I go to localhost:38443/skewer and click Advanced, but since it's the same one each time, I only had to do it once (on that computer). Chrome I have no idea though.

skeeto commented 7 years ago

Hitch certainly seems like a cleaner solution than stunnel. I'll have to spend some time with it.

Why create a new cert on every startup?

That particular example is just for a throwaway sever. Plus, for documentation purposes, it captures the cert generation procedure (I can never remember). For Skewer it would probably make sense for a more persistent cert, hence it's important that the browser remembers the cert.

Firefox at least lets me save the cert

Oops, you're right. Upon closer examination I see that it's just my current configuration preventing the "permanently store" checkbox.

unhammer commented 7 years ago

Btw, for Chromium, I opened "Manage certificates → Authorities → Import" and selected my .pem file, ticking off "Trust this certificate for identifying websites". A bit more involved, but i can control Chromium too from Emacs now :)

Though for some reason, it sometimes first says GET https://localhost:38443/skewer/get net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE in the console, but if I middle-click that (so it opens in a new tab) and click the bookmarklet again, it works. Very security 👍