skekauoha / salty-cypress-testrail-reporter

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Test report not sending to Testrail with cypress:run --browser chrome command #1

Open iamsjn opened 5 years ago

iamsjn commented 5 years ago

Everything is fine when I run my tests with cypress:run command in headless electron but when I run tests using cypress:run --browser chrome then the plugin is not sending the report to Testrail! Any configuration change needed to make it workable with chrome?

iamsjn commented 5 years ago

From my observation I've found that it is not related to any browser issue. It doesn't work when the video property is set to video: false in cypress.json.

iamsjn commented 5 years ago

Ah! finally found that it doesn't work in single run mode. If anyone wants to send the report when using chrome as the browser then just use cypress run --browser chrome --no-exit flag.

canrosinabutar commented 3 years ago

Finally It works on me, using chrome browser: yarn cypress run --browser chrome