skelsec / pypykatz

Mimikatz implementation in pure Python
MIT License
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Problem with Windows Server 2012 parsing #27

Closed skelsec closed 4 years ago

skelsec commented 4 years ago

Hello! Using the GitHub repository version, I have the same error but with a different memory address. I tried on a lsass dump from a Windows Server 2012 (uploaded).

pypykatz minidump SRVDC_lsass_iquaclMozy.dmp


DEBUG:pypykatz:===== BASIC INFO. SUBMIT THIS IF THERE IS AN ISSUE ===== DEBUG:pypykatz:CPU arch: X64 DEBUG:pypykatz:OS: Windows Server 2012 DEBUG:pypykatz:BuildNumber: 9200 DEBUG:pypykatz:MajorVersion: 6 DEBUG:pypykatz:MSV timestamp: 1343260942 DEBUG:pypykatz:===== BASIC INFO END =====

Mimikatz's works with the dump.

Originally posted by @alexandreborgo in

skelsec commented 4 years ago

thx for the upload, will check it as soon as I feel less like a potato

skelsec commented 4 years ago

okay, can you check now with a new pull from GH? alignment issues :(

alexandreborgo commented 4 years ago

It works \o/, thank you for the quick fix :)