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The Texas Beer Project #140

Closed gswider closed 5 years ago

gswider commented 6 years ago

Howdy, folks! I'm starting to do some data and policy analysis work around state beer laws, with the hopes of putting together something substantive to support the Texas Craft Brewers Guild as they ramp up to push for beer law reform in the 2019 Texas Legislative Session. The exact end-product is still TBD---maybe a policy playbook, compilation of interviews with key players in beer policy around the country, and/or quantitative analysis of state-by-state laws vs. their economic impact.

Two questions: 1) Is there anyone here who's done work in the state beer policy space before that'd be open to chatting with me about what types of research have been done so far? 2) Anyone wanna join this crusade with me and the 200+ craft breweries in Texas (plus all the beer-loving folk outside of Texas who are pushing for this)?

I've started compiling data on in a private data project, and am happy to add anyone who is interested. If you're interested in connecting/contributing, feel free to DM me (@Gabriela) on Slack.

Here’s a good article that outlines the main issues, for reference: