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Water Level Mapping #169

Open Hendini21 opened 5 years ago

Hendini21 commented 5 years ago

In the city of Houston, flooding is a problem. Last Friday is a perfect example. People were driving on different roads and were trapped. They didn’t know which roads were flooded and which ones were not. My proposal is that we create a mobile application which can be used on any device. It would be similar to Waze. The application would be used for navigating around the city while flooding is taking place. An application like this would also reduce Auto Insurance costs. In order for this to work, we would need to set up sensors across Houston that could detect the water level. While flooding is taking place, anyone who has the app would get a notification stating that “{severity} flooding” is taking place. If they open the app, they can see a key at the bottom which tells them what each color on the streets means. An image should be attached. Key for Hackathon

Hendini21 commented 5 years ago

I found a way for this to be possible. If you are interested and want to know the details let me know. The idea of this project is to utilize the “Google Maps” API to allow people to navigate during flooding situations that, during the past couple of years, have become so frequent.

ghost commented 5 years ago

@Hendini21 I'm currently working on the architecture and ground sensor for a similar solution. Here is my email:

dcbark01 commented 5 years ago

@Hendini21 My company ( is actually working on a computer vision based solution to this now. If you'd like to learn more, feel free to hit me up at

thejohnfreeman commented 5 years ago

It is definitely possible to present the data on a map. Seems like the real obstacle is getting enough data to be useful. Even Google StreetView takes several weeks to map every street in Houston. Flooding situations are hyper local; one end of a street can be dry while the other end is washing away. No one is running around the city during a flood to take depth measurements. Traffic conditions are generally monitored by cameras. How are you going to measure flood conditions?

thetwosents commented 5 years ago

I'll volunteer to build the UI for this. I'm wondering how much satellite from national weather is available.

Hendini21 commented 5 years ago

Hey guys, I am planning on using an arduino with the water sensor in order to get this done. The information will be gathered by the sensors each of them being connected to an arduino in a streetlight post. And antenna will be put on the street light post so that the data can be broadcasted to the server.

Hendini21 commented 5 years ago

I have arrived at The Cannon

Hendini21 commented 5 years ago

@thetwosents I am here if you want to help me out!

Hendini21 commented 5 years ago

@thejohnfreeman I am planning on using ultrasonic sensors in order to measure the water's height, and whenever the height is different it will broadcast data. That data will be collected using the sensors connected to an ESP 32.

CesarRiv commented 4 years ago

@Hendini21 Currently studying Computer Science and would love to be a part of this project. Was wondering how I can get started, this is kind of my first time doing all of this but of course I am willing to contribute anything that is needed to this project. My email is

Hendini21 commented 4 years ago

@CesarRiv Thank you so much for letting me know. At the moment, I am working on linking the app to a server on my computer. The sensor is already sending to the server. After the server sends to the mobile application, we can start.

CesarRiv commented 4 years ago

@Hendini21 Anything you would like me to take a look at so I can get up to speed on what is going on and where the project is heading towards?

Hendini21 commented 4 years ago

At the moment, I am still waiting to do something like that. Although your energy is much appreciated, at this point in time, I don't believe there is anything that needs to be looked at.

Hendini21 commented 4 years ago

Um, I do think that you could take a look at the road flooding history in Houston. That would help us establish which streets need to have sensors put in place first. Once we have that established, we can get the approximate streetlight count.