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Flooding map for drivers #28

Open fileunderjeff opened 8 years ago

fileunderjeff commented 8 years ago

Create an app that drivers can use during or after rain storms in order to avoid roads that are likely to flood. Users can report flooded roads. App should also alert drivers if there is a risk of flash flooding, or a risk of flooding where their car is parked.

patrickedelen commented 8 years ago

I was actually thinking of doing something almost exactly like this for the hackathon when I saw it under the example projects. I have one other team member but if anyone else would like to help that would be awesome!

fileunderjeff commented 8 years ago

Awesome! This was suggested by Kristi Bartlett on the google doc.

patrickedelen commented 8 years ago

Cool! I'm sure the recent weather inspired a lot of ideas related to flooding.

sana142 commented 8 years ago

Hi there, I just moved to Houston from Chicago, Il. I'm a graphic designer but I really like the idea of working with programmers and others in collaboration to create apps that can improve life quality. In Houston, I especially feel the value of something that could help with flooding and if you think you could benefit from a design perspective, I'd be interested! I think it's an exciting idea :D

patrickedelen commented 8 years ago

Hi Sana! I'm mostly backend myself so a front end designer would be awesome! I was thinking of making a webapp based on Esri's mapping api (check it out here but I could always use some help with the logo and feel of the app.

randy7771026 commented 8 years ago

Esri gave a bunch of credits last year. Do not know if we have any this year. Can you use OSM?

patrickedelen commented 8 years ago

I'm open to using anything right now. I was just gonna use Esri as I know a little about how their routing API is laid out. Does OSM have any back-end route processing like Esri so we could evaluate distance from reported flooding and stuff?

randy7771026 commented 8 years ago

I think I remember you from last year. What language do you want to use?

randy7771026 commented 8 years ago

You might could look at archives or go back to HFD Active Incidents on the portal, map to rainfall records then predict that the same would flood under similar rainfall.

patrickedelen commented 8 years ago

I'd like to use Node.js serverside (I'm pretty familiar with JavaScript) and just HTML5 geolocation API + Javascript for GPS navigation on the front end so we don't have to build out any platform-specific code.

It does look like OSM would work as long as we can import the data from our maps and user reported locations.

patrickedelen commented 8 years ago

Wow the search tool on is incredibly useful! If it's possible to export the data from those searches might be able to have a fairly good idea of what areas to avoid during flooding.

randy7771026 commented 8 years ago

You might want to reach out to @dmwilson on the slack.

randy7771026 commented 8 years ago

or on his github

randy7771026 commented 8 years ago

patrickedelen commented 8 years ago

Awesome I'll message him thanks!

patrickedelen commented 8 years ago

I created a new repo here: so those interested can plan a bit more.

randy7771026 commented 8 years ago

I guess I will see you Saturday then.

patrickedelen commented 8 years ago

Yup! It's gonna be great!

fileunderjeff commented 8 years ago

@patrickedelen @randy7771026 @sana142 I spoke with Nick at ESRI, and he sent me the following info:

Here is a code for 1000 ArcGIS Online credits:

Also, we are having a Meetup on May 26th. If some of your developers are interested in Geo they are welcome to attend - GeoDev Meetup Houston

patrickedelen commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the code @fileunderjeff ! @randy7771026 I looked into OSM and it seems that importing KML files into OSM maps is somewhat difficult but if we have Esri credits it shouldn't be too hard to switch over.

d-m-wilson commented 8 years ago

I'd like to help with this effort if I can, but I'm wondering about the utility of creating something that will fall apart when the ESRI credits run out. Am I missing something?

patrickedelen commented 8 years ago

@d-m-wilson good point; I have been looking around for other ways to do it and it might be possible with the Google Maps API (, just requires a lot more work to setup a spacial DB and stuff.

ESRI does costs credits, but it seems like it would be a bit easier for our purposes. Regardless, I'm always up for a challenge!

krisd1024 commented 8 years ago

Hi, I am Kristi, the one who submitted this project idea. I would love to collaborate with you guys on it if you're willing. I don't know how to build this, but I know a little about front-end design, and I know some about flooding/watershed analysis since I studied civil engineering.

bryantw111 commented 8 years ago

I would like to collaborate on this as well, can help get water level data out of web pages. visualizing it and front-end design advice would be great!

Created this API for data from the Harris county flood sensor system:

patrickedelen commented 8 years ago

Hi @krisd1024 ! I think we could definitely use you on the team for front end stuff. @bryantw111 I believe we have 2-3 people (including myself) on data gathering right now and I'd like to make sure everyone has enough to do, but I'd like to include you if I can make sure you won't be bored the whole time :).

krisd1024 commented 8 years ago

@patrickedelen are you already here? where are you sitting?

patrickedelen commented 8 years ago

I'm not there yet; I was planning on arriving around 11am.

krisd1024 commented 8 years ago

Ok sounds good @patrickedelen I'll see you when you get here

patrickedelen commented 8 years ago

Awesome cya then @krisd1024 !

krisd1024 commented 8 years ago

we are starting to work on this project in room 214 upstairs if others want to join when you arrive!

krisd1024 commented 8 years ago Rice university and texas medical center flood alert system

betterways commented 8 years ago

also include biking trails & parks. I know someone in the Bear Creek area that told me more than a week after the floods she hadn't biked to work because she hadn't had time to find out if her route was still under water or not.

RawaaAl-Saffar commented 7 years ago

Anyone interested on working on this project tomorrow?