sketch2react / stratos-tokens-app-feedback

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Figma integration doe snot work fully or something is wrong #3

Open t-e-lition opened 3 years ago

t-e-lition commented 3 years ago


We currently evaluation with the demo version.

It seems like everything is exported except of the shadows, spacing and anything which is not colors or fonts. Shadows pick only the color of the elements on Figma rather the the effect setting..

Please help. Screenshots attached.

Screenshot 2021-06-28 at 16 56 20

Screenshot 2021-06-28 at 16 59 31
juanofteamsketch2react commented 3 years ago

Hi! Our NPM export is disabled in the demo version for obvious reasons. What you can do in our demo is:

I just tried our in Figma and all the values are exported correctly…

juanofteamsketch2react commented 3 years ago

Above demo is not setup for Style Dictionary, just for using NPM export and the raw JSON export. For setting things up to work with Style Dictionary you can read this article, it covers the basics:

Another great Style Dictionary tutorial :👉

juanofteamsketch2react commented 3 years ago

You can also use this demo for testing Style Dictionary, but only the first artboard will be exported in our demo:

juanofteamsketch2react commented 3 years ago

We'll of course look into this, if this is a bug you're experiencing we'll fix this in a future update.

juanofteamsketch2react commented 3 years ago

When using Auto Layout you need to make sure you don't break the {designtoken} {naming} {chain}, read more in our docs

juanofteamsketch2react commented 3 years ago

@t-e-lition Also a great tip is to never use Capital letters, use {spacing} {breakpoints} and not {Spacing} {Breakpoints} etc

juanofteamsketch2react commented 3 years ago

Here are more great tips:

  1. Read our docs, the same rules apply for both Sketch and Figma
  2. Join our very friendly Slack, very helpful friends of Sketch2React there
juanofteamsketch2react commented 3 years ago

Also for Figma, never forget that you need to manually refresh the design token tree inside Stratos Tokens. Read more here.

juanofteamsketch2react commented 3 years ago

@t-e-lition Please also include if you're working with PC or Mac, which OS and so on, will be much easier debugging this. Also, if possible, send us the project file, you can use our Slack for that. ✅

juanofteamsketch2react commented 3 years ago

The only thing I can see, from my own tests is that our app seems to have a Figma bug related to multiple shadows on same objects, everything else comes out fine in my code.

juanofteamsketch2react commented 3 years ago

Here's my sample code: { "supported-design-tokens":{ "css-properties":{ "border":{ "radius":{ "value":0.5 }, "weight":{ "value":0.75 }, "color":{ "value":"rgba(26,188,254,1)" } }, "font-weight":{ "light":{ "value":300 }, "regular":{ "value":400 }, "bold":{ "value":700 }, "extra-bold":{ "value":800 } }, "line-height":{ "value":2.125 }, "letter-spacing":{ "value":0.16249999403953552 }, "opacity":{ "value":0.699999988079071 } }, "text":{ "small":{ "value":0.75 }, "medium":{ "value":1 }, "base":{ "value":1 }, "large":{ "value":1.5 } }, "colors":{ "dark-orchid":"rgba(174,49,216,1)", "crayon-blue":"rgba(6,94,223,1)", "pastel-red":"rgba(255,114,98,1)", "princeton-orange":"rgba(253,143,4,1)", "deep-sky-blue":"rgba(26,188,254,1)", "vivid-violet":"rgba(144,19,254,1)", "black":"rgba(34,34,34,1)" }, "border-formatting":{ "border-1":{ "weight":0.0625, "color":"rgba(34,34,34,1)", "radius":0 }, "border-2":{ "weight":0.125, "color":"rgba(34,34,34,1)", "radius":0.125 }, "border-3":{ "weight":0.1875, "color":"rgba(34,34,34,1)", "radius":0.25 }, "border-4":{ "weight":0.25, "color":"rgba(34,34,34,1)", "radius":0.5 }, "border-5":{ "weight":0.3125, "color":"rgba(34,34,34,1)", "radius":1 }, "border-6":{ "weight":0.375, "color":"rgba(10,5,74,1)", "radius":1.5 }, "border-7":{ "weight":0.4375, "color":"rgba(34,34,34,1)", "radius":1.75 } }, "shadows":{ "shadow-1":"rgba(255,255,255,1)", "shadow-2":"rgba(255,255,255,1)", "shadow-3":"rgba(255,255,255,1)", "shadow-4":"rgba(255,255,255,1)" }, "typography":{ "h1":{ "border":"", "fill":"rgba(0,0,0,1)", "fontFamily":"Work Sans, WorkSans-Regular", "fontSize":6, "fontWeight":400, "letterSpacing":-0.09375, "lineHeight":7 }, "h2":{ "border":"", "fill":"rgba(34,34,34,1)", "fontFamily":"Work Sans, WorkSans-Bold", "fontSize":4, "fontWeight":700, "letterSpacing":0.001367833698168397, "lineHeight":4.6875 }, "h3":{ "border":"", "fill":"rgba(10,5,74,1)", "fontFamily":"WorkSans, WorkSans-MediumItalic", "fontSize":2.75, "fontWeight":500, "letterSpacing":0.0009403856238350272, "lineHeight":3.22265625 }, "h4":{ "border":"", "fill":"rgba(10,5,74,1)", "fontFamily":"Work Sans, WorkSans-Bold", "fontSize":2.25, "fontWeight":700, "letterSpacing":0.000769406498875469, "lineHeight":2.63671875 }, "h5":{ "border":"", "fill":"rgba(10,5,74,1)", "fontFamily":"WorkSans, WorkSans-Black", "fontSize":1.75, "fontWeight":900, "letterSpacing":0, "lineHeight":2.05078125 }, "button-titles-white":{ "border":"", "fill":"rgba(255,255,255,1)", "fontFamily":"WorkSans, WorkSans-Black", "fontSize":1.75, "fontWeight":900, "letterSpacing":0, "lineHeight":2.05078125 } }, "breakpoints":{ "lg":80, "md":60, "sm":37.5 }, "spacing":{ "spacing-80":5, "spacing-64":4, "spacing-48":3, "spacing-32":2, "spacing-16":1, "spacing-8":0.5 }, "padding":{ "padding-64":4, "padding-48":3, "padding-32":2, "padding-24":1.5, "padding-16":1, "padding-8":0.5, "padding-4":0.25 }, "fonts":{ "open-sans":"Open Sans", "assets-fonts-open-sans-regular":"assets/fonts/OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "roboto":"Roboto", "assets-fonts-roboto-regular":"assets/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf" }, "transition":{ "transition-quickly":"300ms ease", "transition-slowly":"600ms ease" } } }

juanofteamsketch2react commented 3 years ago

For Figma we don't currently support shadow tokens, it's built totally different than Sketch. So will come in a future update this fall.