sketchbooks99 / PRayGround

GPU ray tracing framework using NVIDIA OptiX 7 and 8
MIT License
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Error during compilation #2

Closed JoCuc closed 3 years ago

JoCuc commented 3 years ago


Hello! According to the correct installation of the readme, an error is always reported when running, just like d_data : identifier not found. compiling source file E:\chung\Program\OptiX-Raytracer-master\oprt\core\scene.cpp d_data : identifier not found. compiling source file E:\chung\Program\OptiX-Raytracer-master\oprt\oprt.cpp d_data : identifier not found. compiling source file E:\chung\Program\OptiX-Raytracer-master\oprt\emitter\envmap.cpp I don't know what's wrong with it. Than you for your help!!

sketchbooks99 commented 3 years ago

Hi @JoCuc 👋

We found that your errors may be due to the Japanese comments in sources files conflict with the encoding settings of compilation. If you use MSVC, please add /source-charset:utf-8 for Additional Options of Command Line. We also add this notice to, please check our instructions.