sketchpacks / feedback

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Allow to change default setting for version locking #24

Closed fbasara-loft48 closed 7 years ago

fbasara-loft48 commented 7 years ago

Please add the functionality to allow users to change the default settings of a newly installed plugin to be locked or unlocked. I didn't realise my plugins were locked from updating because the icon for locking and unlocking is looking pretty similar. Maybe changing the icon would be benefitial.

adamkirkwood commented 7 years ago

@fbasara-loft48 With Sketchpacks 0.6.0, you now have the ability to define a default locking and updating strategy from the Preferences menu.

screen shot 2017-09-09 at 5 41 49 pm

fbasara-loft48 commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot!