sketchpunk / FunWithWebGL2

Fun with WebGL 2.0 Youtube Tutorial Series
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License ? #1

Open suprafun opened 6 years ago

suprafun commented 6 years ago

Thank-you for making this tutorial series, it really is interesting. I am sure very many people will benefit from them.

I would like to ask under what license is the source code for these tutorials released under ?

Thank-you again

sketchpunk commented 6 years ago

I guess the you can do whatever you want with it type of license. The only thing is I would love to see what people make from it, maybe setup a video in the future demoing stuff others have done based on the things they learned from my series.

suprafun commented 6 years ago

Thank-you so very much, that seems like a very reasonable request.

sketchpunk commented 6 years ago

curious of your plans. Fungi can't do much yet, still lots of features to be developed for the series.

suprafun commented 6 years ago

Sorry for the delay in my reply. I am very forgetful :( . I just returned to learning WebGL today and remembered your tutorials :) To answer your question, I am planning on watching your videos and learning WebGL from the basics onward ( just starting them today :) ). I actually don't think I will look at the source code as your videos seem to be live coding. Very awesome. Thank-you so very, very much for taking the time and effort to teach everyone :)

roskelld commented 5 years ago

I'd recommend the MIT licence it's popular with many Github codebases, allows people to fork the code and do what they wish, but protects you as it lists the software as is so you're not subject to needing to fix issues.