sketchpunk / opencomicreader

Comic/Manga viewer for Android devices.
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Virtual buttons don't hide again when accidentally showing. #36

Closed danielniccoli closed 10 years ago

danielniccoli commented 10 years ago

I read in fullscreen mode. Sometimes I accidentally swish from top to bottom, triggering the display of the virtual buttons. They don't disappear unless I go to the library and then back to the comic.

Please add a timer or something to hide them again after showing them.

sketchpunk commented 10 years ago

Is this the new Kitkat feature? Someone implemented it for me, but at the time I didn't have a kitkat device to test it on, so I assumed it worked just fine. I have a nexus 5 now, so in the next version I'll play around with that some more.

danielniccoli commented 10 years ago

I don't know if this is a new feature. But it works fine … unless you accidentally blend them in, then they don't blend out ;-)


sketchpunk commented 10 years ago

Yes, thats the new fullscreen feature from Kitkat. I'd have to read up on that feature and see if there is a simple way for it to automatically go away.

sketchpunk commented 10 years ago

I fixed up immersion mode. Works quite well now on my nexus 5. Will be available at some point soon on the play store or go ahead and compile my latest commit to get it now.