sketchpunk / opencomicreader

Comic/Manga viewer for Android devices.
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Crash when pressing back button while reading comic in horizontal view. #37

Open danielniccoli opened 10 years ago

danielniccoli commented 10 years ago

OCM crashs when pressing back button while reading comic in horizontal view.

How to reproduce:

  1. Start OCM
  2. Choose a comic to read (e.g. cbr)
  3. Flip phone sideways (horizontal)
  4. Press back button to return to library
  5. Crash

Android 4.2.2

Exception class name java.lang.IllegalStateException

Source file

Source method throwIfClosedLock

Line Number 962

Stack trace contains java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot perform this operation because the connection pol has been closed.

Let me know, if you need further information.