sketchpunk / opencomicreader

Comic/Manga viewer for Android devices.
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Wrong covers in library view #44

Open Qwobias opened 9 years ago

Qwobias commented 9 years ago

I have one comic that, no matter what, will never display the cover in the file as the cover in library view - instead, it displays the third page in the comic (the eighth image in the archive).

The cover image in the .cbz archive (I switched from rar to zip - bug still occurs) is titled akira_1_c001.jpg. It is correctly ordered first in the archive and shows as such in desktop comic reader programs. But opencomicreader for some reason displays the fourth-and-fifth interior pages (one single splash page image, titled Akira_1_p004-p005.jpg) as the cover in library view. I haven't been able to find any rhyme or reason for the app's preference for this interior page as the cover. My other volumes of the same work have the same jpg filename syntax and the covers show up fine. The only thing I can thing of is that the app prefers large horizontal images as the cover - none of the other volumes have two-page color spreads in the first few pages. The cover image itself (and subsequent interior cover pages, credits, etc. including the first 3 pages of the comic itself have been shunted to the very end of the book in opencomicreader - again, no issues when viewing it in a desktop application).

A manual 'select X page as cover' setting would be welcome.