sketchpunk / opencomicreader

Comic/Manga viewer for Android devices.
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Feature Request: Easier scrolling of double page spreads #50

Closed trentmilton closed 9 years ago

trentmilton commented 9 years ago

Currently if a there is a double page spread swiping to see the right half (if on the left half) makes the page go onto the next one. The only way to view it is to move very, very slowly, inch by inch to see it.

rlach commented 9 years ago

Default behavior (should be) "change pages" on swipe, "scroll then change" on tap. So by just tapping the side your double page spreads will automatically scroll by the width of your screen each time you tap. Once you saw whole page it will switch to next page.

sketchpunk commented 9 years ago

The latest code in the truck has the behavior that rlach is talking about. I've done a lot of updates to gestures and how comics are viewed but haven't posted the changes to the play store. I've been using a debug version on my phone for the past month and these changes makes reading comic books on my phone so much better compared to what I have on the play store.(Phone reading was unuseable for me until I did these changes) I still need some tweaks and changes before I post it on play, but I'm really busy right now with work and home things. So the last bit of work will have to wait till maybe the end of august. If you are able to compile the app, I say compile the current trunk. Its quite stable minus this one bug if you resume reading a comic after its been in sleep mode for like 2 days, think I might not be reloading some object onResume that might be causing a null error.

trentmilton commented 9 years ago

Oh ok great, I should probably try the github version. I've been using the playstore version so apologies if the issues i've opened are actually within the github source.

sketchpunk commented 9 years ago

Latest version on play store.