sketchpunk / opencomicreader

Comic/Manga viewer for Android devices.
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Comics not ordering properly. #61

Open Qwobias opened 9 years ago

Qwobias commented 9 years ago

Since the last update, comics are no longer ordered alphabetically. I can find no rhyme or reason to the ordering now, it seems to be entirely random.

On my computer:

AKIRA Volume 1 AKIRA Volume 2 AKIRA Volume 3 AKIRA Volume 4 AKIRA Volume 5 AKIRA Volume 6 Batman Year 100 Boxers & Saints - Boxers Boxers & Saints - Saints Britten And Brulightly From Hell Ghost World Godzilla, The Half-Century War Hip Hop Family Tree Volume 1 I Shall Destroy All Civilized Planets! Judge Dredd - The Complete Case Files 01 etc. and numerous others (51 files in all)

In OpenComicReader:

AKIRA Volume 1 AKIRA Volume 3 Judge Dredd - The Complete Case Files 02 through Judge Dredd - The Complete Case Files 08 Les aventures extraordinaires d'Adèle Blanc-Sec 03 - Le savant fou AKIRA Volume 4 AKIRA Volume 2 AKIRA Volume 6 AKIRA Volume 5 Judge Dredd - The Complete Case Files 08 etc.

The majority of the files are cbz.

Qwobias commented 9 years ago

It looks like when I add more comics and sync, it places them at the end of the library. Not sure if that elucidates anything. It doesn't look like it's ordering by 'last modified date'.