In WS-GM/nasbench201/ the train function has
input, target = next(iter(train_queue))
inside the batches for loop. This creates an iter object every batch which significantly slows down training. It also makes it so 1 epoch doesn't loop over the entire dataset. Because iter(train_queue) is initialized every batch, it grabs the first sample, then reinitializes, grabs the first sample etc. You get a completely random sample from your dataset, but there is no guarantee that it is disjoint.
In WS-GM/nasbench201/ the train function has
input, target = next(iter(train_queue))
inside the batches for loop. This creates an iter object every batch which significantly slows down training. It also makes it so 1 epoch doesn't loop over the entire dataset. Because iter(train_queue) is initialized every batch, it grabs the first sample, then reinitializes, grabs the first sample etc. You get a completely random sample from your dataset, but there is no guarantee that it is disjoint.