skiadas / WebAppsCourse

Course website for Web Application Development
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Project ideas #1

Open skiadas opened 9 years ago

skiadas commented 9 years ago

Project ideas

Some project ideas, read after the list to find out more about them. If you want to do one of these as your project, leave a comment on this issue and click the checkbox (so that we don't have multiple groups doing the same project).

A simple tic-tac-toe board.

TrikkStar commented 9 years ago

Can't click the checkbox but Shelby and I have the sorting algorithm.

skiadas commented 9 years ago

Interesting, I guess only collaborators can edit the checkboxes. But you got it @TrikkStar

TrikkStar commented 9 years ago

Thank you.

dakotaraymccoy commented 9 years ago

Edwin and I would like to do the tic-tac-toe project.

skiadas commented 9 years ago

You got it @dakotaraymccoy