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The home of the Haxe Roundup's (Work in Progress)
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Haxe Roundup email subsription #21

Open dector opened 10 years ago

dector commented 10 years ago

I see interesting news in posts. What about adding email subscription to follow new items? Or making something like for HaXe?

skial commented 10 years ago

I have been thinking about this for awhile now, but my initial thought was to release once a month and then it would only be a roundup of the best of what happened that month.

Or do you think the email should be sent out every week at the same time as the roundup is released or on another day. I usually aim to get the roundup out on Wednesday, but I've missed that deadline many times.

Gama11 commented 10 years ago

I vote for "notification whenever a new roundup is released". Usually I see it on twitter, but not always - would definitely be nice!

Peekmo commented 10 years ago

I'm using twitter too, but email subscription could be nice ! :+1:

ibilon commented 10 years ago

A rss feed would be nice, and should be easy enough to automatically generate.

as3boyan commented 10 years ago

I would like to put such notifications to IDE=) but I doubt that guys appreciate this

TheHippo commented 10 years ago


imcj commented 10 years ago


olsonjj commented 10 years ago

I normally see the roundups via twitter, but would like email notification when they are released.

skial commented 10 years ago

Can you guys share other good examples of newsletters that you subscribe to?

Docker Weekly Dart Weekly and all the others by cooper press. Android Weekly provided by @dector

Also good examples of notification emails. The only one I think comes close to a notification type email is the one tumblr sends out of the posts that have appeared on your dashboard.

kLabz commented 10 years ago

Hi, I would be interested too in either a mailing list or a rss feed.

Meanwhile, has a feed including haxe roundups (and some other news, but you should be able to filter) :

skial commented 10 years ago

Some lists that I'm currently subscribed to and like the layout of.