Closed skial closed 10 years ago
@skial Not sure if this has been mentioned in a previous roundup. I did a Google search and did not find anything. This is pretty cool.
Keep up the great work with the roundups. It's the best Haxe aggregator feed available, and one I anxiously wait for every week. Lots of useful information and the best aggregator of available Haxe goodies!
@fullofcaffeine and @ibilon thanks for the links
@fullofcaffeine I'm trying to remember if I've ever mentioned it and I don't think I have, which is a shock really... and thanks for the kind comments :grinning:
Thanks @clarkjones :wink:
with Vars, Points, Hitboxes and Tags by loudowebCurrently all hashing algorithms are implemented (MDx, SHAx, RIPEMD-160) and now I am working on RSA integration. Some tests showed that the hashing functions are much much faster than the ones from std library (so the context switching overhead is worth the speed).
I am not yet sure if I will implement all modules from PolarSSL, but as said, RSA is the next one in pipe and public key generation etc. already works.
Thanks everyone for contributing these links :smile:
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