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The home of the Haxe Roundup's (Work in Progress)
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Haxe Ludum Dare 30 Roundup #64

Closed skial closed 10 years ago

skial commented 10 years ago

To add a Haxe Ludum Dare 30 game to the todo list, use the following markdown format and list any libraries you used.

- [ ] [Game Name](link/to/ludum/dare/page) by [Your Name](link/to/social/site) using [Library Name](link/to/library).
steverichey commented 10 years ago

We just add it here?

skial commented 10 years ago

Yep and I'll turn it into something like

steverichey commented 10 years ago

Cool, thanks!

po8rewq commented 10 years ago

Thanks mate

alixf commented 10 years ago

Here's mine !

Keep up the good work !

ncannasse commented 10 years ago
gltovar commented 10 years ago

My first ever attempt at Ludum Dare! It is pretty awful =D

fserb commented 10 years ago
anshzinc commented 10 years ago
francoisvn commented 10 years ago
deepnight commented 10 years ago
oscarcs commented 10 years ago
Namide commented 10 years ago
juakob commented 10 years ago
Nananas commented 10 years ago
malfmalf commented 10 years ago


OggYiu commented 10 years ago
Ramperkash commented 10 years ago
nicso commented 10 years ago
Gama11 commented 10 years ago
skial commented 10 years ago
skial commented 10 years ago

Thanks everyone for adding your games!

damrem commented 10 years ago
Guimonpa commented 10 years ago
malfortuna commented 10 years ago
leonvn commented 10 years ago
Xaychru commented 10 years ago
PurpleApes commented 10 years ago

PurpleApes first ludumdare game jam:

sebbernery commented 10 years ago
OIIOIIOI commented 10 years ago
skial commented 10 years ago
skial commented 10 years ago
RobDangerous commented 10 years ago
01010111 commented 10 years ago
bendmorris commented 10 years ago
meishijie commented 10 years ago
KeyMaster- commented 10 years ago
Colapsydo commented 10 years ago
skial commented 10 years ago

Thanks everyone for contributing your games to the list. The roundup is live with 80+ games. I think 85 to be exact, with the majority of them being created using HaxeFlixel.

Remember to share on twitter, google+ and others :smile: