When running the play command (usually but not always when passing in a link as the message) an error is thrown. This doesnt happen regularly and I cannot recreate it on purpose.
RangeError: Source is too large
var Module=typeof Module!=="undefined"?Module:{};var moduleOverrides={};var key;for(key in Module){if(Module.hasOwnProperty(key)){moduleOverrides[key]=Module[key]}}Module["arguments"]=[];Module["thisProgram"]="./this.program";Module["quit"]=function(status,toThrow){throw toThrow};Module["preRun"]=[];Module["postRun"]=[];var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB=false;var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER=false;var ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE=false;var ENVIRONMENT_HAS_NODE=false;var ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL=false;ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB=typeof window==="object";ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER=typeof importScripts==="function";ENVIRONMENT_HAS_NODE=typeof process==="object"&&typeof process.versions==="object"&&typeof process.versions.node==="string";ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE=ENVIRONMENT_HAS_NODE&&!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB&&!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER;ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL=!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB&&!ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE&&!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER;var scriptDirectory="";function locateFile(path){if(Module["locateF
abort(RangeError: Source is too large). Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info.
This then crashes the entire bot.
The distube music bot portion of the bot.
const distube = new DisTube(client, { searchSongs: true, emitNewSongOnly: true, highWaterMark: 1 << 25 });
client.on("message", async (message) => {
if (message.author.bot) return;
if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix)) return;
const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
if (command == "play"){
distube.play(message, args.join(" "));
if (["repeat", "loop"].includes(command)){
distube.setRepeatMode(message, parseInt(args[0]));
if (command == "stop") {
message.channel.send("Stopped the music!");
if (command == "skip"){
message.channel.send("Skipped the music!");
if (command == "queue") {
let queue = distube.getQueue(message);
message.channel.send('Current queue:\n' + queue.songs.map((song, id) =>
`**${id + 1}**. ${song.name} - \`${song.formattedDuration}\``
if (command === "toggleautoplay"){
var mode = distube.toggleAutoplay(message);
message.channel.send("Set autoplay mode to `" + (mode ? "On" : "Off") + "`");
if (command === "playskip"){
distube.playSkip(message, args.join(" "));
if ([`3d`, `bassboost`, `echo`, `karaoke`, `nightcore`, `vaporwave`].includes(command)) {
let filter = distube.setFilter(message, command);
message.channel.send("Current queue filter: " + (filter || "Off"));
const status = (queue) => `Volume: \`${queue.volume}%\` | Filter: \`${queue.filter || "Off"}\` | Loop: \`${queue.repeatMode ? queue.repeatMode == 2 ? "All Queue" : "This Song" : "Off"}\` | Autoplay: \`${queue.autoplay ? "On" : "Off"}\``;
.on("playSong", (message, queue, song) => message.channel.send(
`Playing \`${song.name}\` - \`${song.formattedDuration}\`\nRequested by: ${song.user}\n${status(queue)}`
.on("addSong", (message, queue, song) => message.channel.send(
`Added ${song.name} - \`${song.formattedDuration}\` to the queue by ${song.user}`
.on("playList", (message, queue, playlist, song) => message.channel.send(
`Play \`${playlist.title}\` playlist (${playlist.total_items} songs).\nRequested by: ${song.user}\nNow playing \`${song.name}\` - \`${song.formattedDuration}\`\n${status(queue)}`
.on("addList", (message, queue, playlist) => message.channel.send(
`Added \`${playlist.title}\` playlist (${playlist.total_items} songs) to queue\n${status(queue)}`
.on("searchResult", (message, result) => {
let i = 0;
message.channel.send(`**Choose an option from below**\n${result.map(song => `**${++i}**. ${song.title} - \`${song.duration}\``).join("\n")}\n*Enter anything else or wait 60 seconds to cancel*`);
.on("searchCancel", (message) => message.channel.send(`Searching canceled`))
.on("error", (message, err) => message.channel.send(
"An error encountered: " + err
This caused by opusscript.
Uninstall it and install @discordjs/opus instead.
Join discord support server for other questions and give me a star if it's work 💖
Close #2
When running the play command (usually but not always when passing in a link as the message) an error is thrown. This doesnt happen regularly and I cannot recreate it on purpose.
RangeError: Source is too large
This then crashes the entire bot.
The distube music bot portion of the bot.