skidmaster69420 / discord-tokens

Deletion of Discord User & Bot tokens. Making scammers, phishers, fake QR-code scammers life even more miserable Automated process
71 stars 11 forks source link

Keep working on your bot #39

Closed BubblePlayzTHEREAL closed 1 year ago

BubblePlayzTHEREAL commented 1 year ago

So I see what you are doing and I fully support! But I just think your bot should look at the code and see what it's doing. All my bot was doing was looking in MY discord channel and printing the messages to the console. I did have a web hook In there that could have messed up your bot. Thank you for trying to make Discord better and I hope you can get your bot to be more accurate!

BubbleBubblePlayz commented 1 year ago

I do also realize that it is a repl of "Scam nitro generator".

IMarkoMC commented 1 year ago

I hope you can get your bot to be more accurate!

Filtering is not a good idea all around as that opens a window for bad actors to bypass the token deletion and storing your discord bot token in plain text is not in your best interest anyways. You should store your tokens in environment variables

skidmaster69420 commented 1 year ago

                              Date: 28.12.2022

Hello there,

you should really store your tokens in ENV as was recommend above.

In any case, here's what has happened in the last two days. SKIDMASTER69420 LLC. has mandated a vacation for 4 days for all and any employees. I have also been fired as of yesterday, I no longer work for SKIDMASTER69420 LLC. however my access has not yet been revoked. I am unsure why he hasn't been using this account to try and contact the public. However it seems he's simply to busy running away from authorities that are hunting him due to the Automobile Car Part Manufacturing Ring he leads.

I am unsure what this means for the future of the company, I'd hate for it to be gone. I mean I am well aware we are under police monitoring, but that was all.

Yours, Unpaid Intern