skidmaster69420 / discord-tokens

Deletion of Discord User & Bot tokens. Making scammers, phishers, fake QR-code scammers life even more miserable Automated process
71 stars 11 forks source link

Lol #59

Closed syskill-the-coder closed 1 year ago

syskill-the-coder commented 1 year ago

Discord already searches github and it reset everyones token so take a big fat L

IMarkoMC commented 1 year ago

Do you know how to read?

syskill-the-coder commented 1 year ago

this git should be taken down bruh got my token leaked and it got reset

IMarkoMC commented 1 year ago

Seems like you don't know how to read and you don't know how to protect secrets aka bot tokens, API keys and stuff.

First learn all of that and then speak.

Second, this repo won't be taken down even if you report it because there's no violation of Github ToS. You not protecting your token and leaving it in plain text is not our issue. All tokens in plain text will be posted.

If you don't know how to protect your token that's your issue

You can cry all you want about it

wizcreations7 commented 1 year ago

Seems like you don't know how to read and you don't know how to protect secrets aka bot tokens, API keys and stuff.

First learn all of that and then speak.

Second, this repo won't be taken down even if you report it because there's no violation of Github ToS. You not protecting your token and leaving it in plain text is not our issue. All tokens in plain text will be posted.

If you don't know how to protect your token that's your issue

You can cry all you want about it

Major L on the part of the poster. GitHub's terms of service prohibit sharing "personally identifying information, or sensitive personal information" without the explicit consent of the individuals involved.

Discord's terms of service also prohibit sharing "personal information, including your or another user’s account credentials" and sharing "information that could be used to harm or exploit others".

To me, this definitely looks like sensitive personal information.

IMarkoMC commented 1 year ago

Major L on the part of the poster. GitHub's terms of service prohibit sharing "personally identifying information, or sensitive personal information" without the explicit consent of the individuals involved.

Major L on you little skid, Github terms of service take into consideration if the information is publicly available elsewhere (which is how it was found) so you can go cry harder to your parents

IMarkoMC commented 1 year ago

Discord's terms of service also prohibit sharing "personal information, including your or another user’s account credentials" and sharing "information that could be used to harm or exploit others".

Another major L on you. If you post your token the one breaking ToS is you following your thought fucking idiot

skidmaster69420 commented 1 year ago

Major L on the part of the poster. GitHub's terms of service prohibit sharing "personally identifying information, or sensitive personal information" without the explicit consent of the individuals involved.

Discord's terms of service also prohibit sharing "personal information, including your or another user’s account credentials" and sharing "information that could be used to harm or exploit others".

To me, this definitely looks like sensitive personal information.

You won't even get a greeting actually, for that message was the dumbest piece of English that I had to ever read in a long while, I have read text written by 5th graders that were better than the trash you have just put out. Honestly have you ever taken a look into the mirror? Or was what you saw "personal sensitive information"? Does every Person that ever came into contact with you have to keep the secret of the ugliness that you exude? I can't believe you are still willing to put yourself out there.

The only way you ever got attention in school was by runnning up to the teachers and reporting whatever little thing happened, like the "goody" shoes that you are, though in truth even your teachers or anyone for that matter was fed up with your bullshit. Leading you to take your anger and frustration out on a small GitHub page. Honestly, you are the most miserable piece of being that I have ever encountered.

Though, that is to say... that I am jealous of you, I truly am. No one can be as pathetic as you are, that could be considered an achievement.