skidmaster69420 / discord-tokens

Deletion of Discord User & Bot tokens. Making scammers, phishers, fake QR-code scammers life even more miserable Automated process
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Why are you doing this kind of stuff?? #60

Closed exploringcomputerwithprashrey closed 1 year ago

exploringcomputerwithprashrey commented 1 year ago

Why annoy.. learn manners

genixlinux commented 1 year ago


Tweak4141 commented 1 year ago

Why annoy.. learn manners

The purpose of this repository is not to annoy you, it's to invalidate tokens that automated processes have found, exposed publicly on the internet. If your token was posted here, that means that you have exposed your Discord bot token to the internet, leaving you vulnerable to other attacks, such as raids on the server your Discord bot is in, using your Discord bot for nitro scams, or phishing.

skidmaster69420 commented 1 year ago

Hello there,

So I uninstalled the Punjabi No Virus program. I think... yes, I did... nothing is happening. Anyway time to start the lecture.

"Why are you doing this kind of stuff?" So. I assume you are capable of writing in English, yes? Well I doubt that. Your sentence is indicating that the "stuff" is plural, yet in your sentence you are using "stuff" singular. Furthermore are you utilzing "this", which makes not a lot of sense. Honestly I believe you were going for "Why are you doing this?" noticed that I cut out "of stuff", well because your sentence as it is currently makes 0 sense. It honestly speaks of the intelligence you have, though in case you remind me... here's your IQ. IQ = -∞, that's right your IQ broke the scale. I don't know how, but you did.

On to the argument of your manners, you know I may have been arrested for bringing weaponary to a court, but you should be arrested for the attrocious English that you are selling as "normal" English. Honestly, go apologize to all the English Grammar Books that you have ever read, they are truly dissapointed in you, as am I.

Also the manners that you speak of? Well one of the most common manners is to say "please" when you ask for something. But you didn't do that. So, let me allow to do it for you.

"Please go fuck yourself."

See, that sentence has manners. Unlike you. So go fuck yourself.

Yours, Unpaid Intern SKIDMASTER69420 LLC.