skidmaster69420 / discord-tokens

Deletion of Discord User & Bot tokens. Making scammers, phishers, fake QR-code scammers life even more miserable Automated process
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Help with the security of my bot token's #62

Closed Prozoon700 closed 1 year ago

Prozoon700 commented 1 year ago

Hello. I really don't know if I understand what you want to do, but I think your "plan" is good. (I'm not some kind of malicious person, or for evil purposes. It's more I like to help if it's in my power)

On the other hand, I ask for help with the security of my bot's token. Because I have not published the token on any page or public site, so I do not understand how it has been leaked. Could you help me?

(Sorry if something is wrong, I'm Spanish, and I'm using the translator)

Prozoon700 commented 1 year ago

My bot is host on replit, I don't know if it matters

Peter-Maguire commented 1 year ago

Take a look here:

Prozoon700 commented 1 year ago

Like that is how I put the tokens bot, because of I'm confused

wizcreations7 commented 1 year ago

For those reading this post, you can report that replit if ya want. But it's easy enough for him to create another replit account and upload the bot to it. I find it entertaining that he uses replit and not his own computer with a VPN. It'd be way easier or something. Idk, stupid is as stupid does.

skidmaster69420 commented 1 year ago

Hey Ho,

For those reading this post, you can report that replit if ya want. But it's easy enough for him to create another replit account and upload the bot to it. I find it entertaining that he uses replit and not his own computer with a VPN. It'd be way easier or something. Idk, stupid is as stupid does.

"stupid is as stupid does."

Thee fucking dareth fig someone with the w'rd "stupid", although thee yourself art the utmost of no more brain than stone. How dareth thee coequal taketh breath, thee shouldst beest asham'd of running of thy that from which we speak. F'r the furry council watches ov'r all

Yours, Hoe (A fly working at the cafeteria that found Unpaid Intern's computer.) SKIDMASTER69420 LLC