skidmaster69420 / discord-tokens

Deletion of Discord User & Bot tokens. Making scammers, phishers, fake QR-code scammers life even more miserable Automated process
71 stars 11 forks source link

Fun fact, you're dumbass LOL. Imagine. #63

Closed wizcreations7 closed 1 year ago

wizcreations7 commented 1 year ago

Imagine stealing discord bot tokens and expecting it to work LMFAO. Every single token in that list is now, get this, INVALID! Holy shit! That's some crazy as stuff man, never would've have thought that would happen.

Big ups though, you have now made every user who owned the token of any bot token listed here very aware of your presence. Oh! And since those are now, big shock, invalid you've also done them a favor by resetting the token. And here's the best part! Those tokens are no longer on the internet! HOLY FUCK?!?! I know right?! That's some mystical sorcery right there. It's amazing how discord is capable of sweeping the internet for exposed tokens.

Anywho, I know you can just make another GitHub account so there probably isn't any point in reporting you plus all of your repositories...Fuck it, I'm bored ya know. Also, pro tip: Tor Browser. if you don't have the brains for that (which I think was a little clear from the fact that you are using GitHub) then I have no clue what you are going to accomplish in the real world. Oh well, not my concerned. Get fucked, your bad, all that yeah yeah. Who cares lmao.

Have a great night buddy. Hope your year goes well or something.

JohnBarosa78 commented 1 year ago

Congratulations, you have now understood the purpose of this repo. If you had taken more than .1 of a second to think before writing your little issue you might've seen the readme which explains the purpose of this. I think it's a little rich of you to start questioning peoples intelligence seeing as you a) use replit and b) stored your token in plain text. Go ahead and report the repo, next time I whoever finds your token might not be so kind as to invalidate it.

IMarkoMC commented 1 year ago

Lmao that response is so good

tcprescott commented 1 year ago

your bad


tcprescott commented 1 year ago

And since those are now, big shock, invalid you've also done them a favor by resetting the token.

That's the point

GraczBezNicku commented 1 year ago

I can't believe you probably took 5-10 minutes of your life to write this Issue, but didn't bother to read the purpouse of this repository. Absolute idiocy.

skidmaster69420 commented 1 year ago

Hello there,

You remind of a little child, one that gets offended when they don't get the candy that they promised. Like a child who's in desperate need of attention, one that believes that they are in the right. One that can never be wrong, one that is smarter above all else. Honestly, insulting you doesn't even do it justice, as any insult would just probably hit a wall. You are just too right to be wrong, you could never be wrong. You are always right.

Well, my friend. There's only right thing about this entire thing here though. One true assumption. "You are ignorant." that is the right thing here.

Yours, Unpaid Intern SKIDMASTER69420 LLC.