skidmaster69420 / discord-tokens

Deletion of Discord User & Bot tokens. Making scammers, phishers, fake QR-code scammers life even more miserable Automated process
71 stars 11 forks source link

Suggestion #70

Closed overvalue closed 1 year ago

overvalue commented 1 year ago

Can you like filter bot tokens & human account tokens thanks!

tcprescott commented 1 year ago

I don't see why, it doesn't advance the goal of the repository which is to get Discord to disable leaked tokens.

overvalue commented 1 year ago

Separates tokens , so like if it's user token u can just access that account and like most scammers tokens it finds im assuming so u can just login and nuke their server / expose them

tcprescott commented 1 year ago

The whole point of this repository is so Discord disables the tokens listed here.

skidmaster69420 commented 1 year ago

Hello there,

unlike me, well the writer of these comments. The person maintaining this repo actually has a life. I quiet envy him for that. But well, nothing that could be done about that, I suppose... So no, no changes.

Right... the signing off.

I wish I had a life.

Yours, Unpaid Intern SKIDMASTER69420 LLC.