skidmaster69420 / discord-tokens

Deletion of Discord User & Bot tokens. Making scammers, phishers, fake QR-code scammers life even more miserable Automated process
71 stars 11 forks source link

But why? #74

Closed ghost closed 11 months ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

Okay, but why's my bot's token here? I honestly concerned how it ended up here, among the others. I actually woke up and could've died from the notif I got from Discord, fearing that my server, my friends and I could've been doxxed or worse. Why would you wanna do this to a small server owner, who's got nearly nothing to lose except their dignity?

tcprescott commented 1 year ago

Do you use to host your bot?

tcprescott commented 1 year ago

You accidently leaked your bot token somehow. The repository owner did you a favor by posting it here so Discord could invalidate it before a bad guy could abuse it.

Where do you keep your bot's token? Are you sure it's in a secure location that can't be publicly read?

tcprescott commented 1 year ago

This is not correct. This is an automated process wich looks trought everything or generates the codes. So it makes "scammmers life" more miserable. But we here arent scammers. So..

Firstly, spellcheck is your friend. It is available for free in every major web browser. It may be a good idea to use it before posting something stupid on the internet.

Secondly, if they just "generate tokens" how did they find the OP's token? The odds of randomly generating a token that matches an existing, active, token is 1 billion times worse than winning the lottery 3 times in a row. The real answer is they found it publicly viewable somewhere and posted it here so Discord can invalidate it. This is LITERALLY WHAT THEIR README SAYS.

Thirdly, it DOES make a scammer's life more difficult because it reduces the pool of tokens scammers can steal to use for their own purposes. This service looks in places that Discord doesn't look, but where the bad guys do. By invalidating the tokens before the bad guys can use them, they ARE making the lives of scammers more difficult. More importantly, it protects non-scammers from having their bots abused by scammers.

Finally, before you call out someone on the internet for being incorrect, do some basic research and critical thinking first.

tcprescott commented 1 year ago

You might know that some of us here arent fucking scammers dumb fuck.

Your token was exposed on the internet, in a place where a scammer could find it and use it to impersonate your bot and ruin your reputation, or put the Discord account that owns your bot at risk of being banned. The repository owner DID YOU A FAVOR by posting it here so it could be invalidated.

And since discord is an very populair platform you can easily find some tokens if you have an good generator.

If by "generator" you mean "a web scraper" then yes, people leak their bot tokens all over the internet. Bad guys abuse this fact to steal your discord token using the same method the repository owner used to get your token.

I'll break the whole situation down for you:

  1. This repository is designed to frustrate scammers by taking away a lucrative source of Discord bot tokens.
  2. Your token landing here isn't the fault of the repository owner.
  3. You need to properly secure your Discord token so it doesn't land here in the first place.
  4. The fact that the repository owner found your token is 100% a security failure on your part.
  5. The odds of a repository owner just randomly guessing your bot token and placing it here are so small, no human can fully comprehend that chance.

Incorecting me and supplying the line of "I'm not a scammer" doesn't negate the fact that it was your actions that caused the token to land here in the first place. If you think your bot token was secure, then you should really take a second look. If you just blindly regenerate the bot token without fixing the underlying problem that exposed the token to the public internet, then this will just keep happening on repeat.

I AM NOT claiming that everyone who has a token posted here is a scammer.

skidmaster69420 commented 1 year ago

Hello there,

I believe that people who rob other people of their time can be considered scammers. Therefore with you opening this issue, you scammed me out of my time that I could have used to do something productive. But no, of course you forced me to reply to this issue and never thought to yourself: "I might bother other people with this issue", therefore you truly are a scammer of time.

You damn scammer.

Yours, Unpaid Intern SKIDMASTER69420LLC.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Okay, so that's the card we're playing? I see, I see. Since we're on the topic, doesn't that make you a scammer as well? Seeing as you wasted everyone else's time by running this little "token repo" of yours and then nearly giving the bot owners a heart attack by posting them. I know for a fact that you sure as hell wasted mine with such stupid excuses, but I'm not gonna dwell on this any longer, since I asked a genuine question on the behalf of both myself and my team, and others had taken the liberty of having to explain to me in a nicer manner, unlike you. Random strangers did your job of explaining this whole debacle for you, with the politeness that you so clearly lack. So, instead of whining about being an unpaid intern who takes their frustration out on other people online, please go get therapy, touch some grass, and go get yourself a life, cuz I am done. Signed, Midori

tcprescott commented 1 year ago

Okay, so that's the card we're playing? I see, I see. Since we're on the topic, doesn't that make you a scammer as well? Seeing as you wasted everyone else's time by running this little "token repo" of yours and then nearly giving the bot owners a heart attack by posting them. I know for a fact that you sure as hell wasted mine with such stupid excuses, but I'm not gonna dwell on this any longer, since I asked a genuine question on the behalf of both myself and my team, and others had taken the liberty of having to explain to me in a nicer manner, unlike you. Random strangers did your job of explaining this whole debacle for you, with the politeness that you so clearly lack. So, instead of whining about being an unpaid intern who takes their frustration out on other people online, please go get therapy, touch some grass, and go get yourself a life, cuz I am done. Signed, Midori

You're funny. The repository owner doesn't owe you an explanation for anything. You are aware that skidmaster69420 is playing a character with their replies?

Atornous12 commented 1 year ago

You accidently leaked your bot token somehow. The repository owner did you a favor by posting it here so Discord could invalidate it before a bad guy could abuse it. Where do you keep your bot's token? Are you sure it's in a secure location that can't be publicly read?

This is not correct. This is an automated process wich looks trought everything or generates the codes. So it makes "scammmers life" more miserable. But we here arent scammers. So..

so, IDK why u aren't getting it but there is this discord feature that detect if your token has been leaked or not and if yes, discord will delete that toke of yours.

the repo owner actually made this repo so that discord can then invalid your discord bot token that u might have posted on the internet, this might have happened coz u used replit to host your bot. and anyone else could have just gotten access to your bot token and could have used your token to do a lot of shit.

the anyone else here is "scammer" and if this repo wouldn't have existed and the "scammer" would have gotten access to your token, they could have used it to ruin you and with the help of this repo. discord would delete your code so that "scammers" cannot use your token to ruin you. hence, make scammer's life more miserable. even after this explanation, you don't get it. consider seeking a therapy..

heckeroncrack commented 11 months ago

Okay, so that's the card we're playing? I see, I see. Since we're on the topic, doesn't that make you a scammer as well? Seeing as you wasted everyone else's time by running this little "token repo" of yours and then nearly giving the bot owners a heart attack by posting them. I know for a fact that you sure as hell wasted mine with such stupid excuses, but I'm not gonna dwell on this any longer, since I asked a genuine question on the behalf of both myself and my team, and others had taken the liberty of having to explain to me in a nicer manner, unlike you. Random strangers did your job of explaining this whole debacle for you, with the politeness that you so clearly lack. So, instead of whining about being an unpaid intern who takes their frustration out on other people online, please go get therapy, touch some grass, and go get yourself a life, cuz I am done. Signed, Midori

If the owner is who I think he is, these tokens are scraped and then put here to get the tokens taken down before other scrapers get to them. You should be grateful that the owner deleted the bot instead of being mad about him running the repo. I know this is a late reply, but fuck you.