skidmaster69420 / discord-tokens

Deletion of Discord User & Bot tokens. Making scammers, phishers, fake QR-code scammers life even more miserable Automated process
71 stars 11 forks source link

Saved me second time #79

Closed devvreal closed 11 months ago

devvreal commented 1 year ago

Love you, love this project, thank you again skidmaster! 💯

skidmaster69420 commented 11 months ago

Love you too devvreal! Thank you for being a supporter of skidmaster.

P.S. I'm going to kill this fucking fly on my computer monitor. He's just sitting there leaving fly juices. There is just a spider sitting in the coner; but I like him. But you could eat that fucking fly, you know. You fucking piece of shit spider. You could be doing more, sitting in the room, rent-free.