skidmaster69420 / discord-tokens

Deletion of Discord User & Bot tokens. Making scammers, phishers, fake QR-code scammers life even more miserable Automated process
71 stars 11 forks source link


Open ComradeCat1 opened 1 year ago

ComradeCat1 commented 1 year ago

Imagine stealing tokens from thousands of random Discord bots. You do know it is against Discord's TOS, but you keep doing it. STOP STEALING BOT TOKENS OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE.

TheCuteOwl commented 1 year ago

He get them from Replit

ComradeCat1 commented 1 year ago

Oh wait, nevermind. I read the README.MD and this is a repo for invalidating tokens so that scammers can't do anything malicious with them... Perhaps I forgot to hide my bots' tokens.

bluestar-b commented 1 year ago

lol you're use replit for host discord bots/selfbots and ther just scrape from replit.