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Feature/build incus image in container #318

Closed theCalcaholic closed 1 month ago

theCalcaholic commented 2 months ago

So far, the incus container image is built on the host with the executing (potentially unprivileged) users' permissions. During the build, the following steps are performed (among others)

  1. Extract the rootfs.tar to a temporary directory
  2. Generate a metadata.yaml for the incus image
  3. Package the extracted rootfs directory and the metadata.yaml into a new tarball that can be imported into incus as container image

This, however, causes an issue if the build process is not performed as root. When extracting the rootfs.tar as a non-root user, the ownership is reassigned to the extracting user which has serious security implications for the final image and will cause services to fail.

One solution, is to perform most of the build process inside of a container (where we can use root and arbitrary permissions). That's what's implemented in this PR, however, there are a few drawbacks:

  1. The buildimage command/script now requires incus to use the build container. This is just a minor drawback in my opinion and should be fine.
  2. In order to have full reproducibility, it would be necessary to build all binaries that are used in the container using buildroot. This means at least bash and tar should be built during the build process and pushed to the container. But maybe that's not even enough and we should build the whole container image inside skiffOS? I'm not entirely sure about the implication of using an image from the linuxcontainers image repository instead (as in my current implementation)

@paralin Please let me know what you think about those drawbacks and also if you see a better solution than using containers

paralin commented 2 months ago

Could you include metadata.yaml in either a post build hook or a root_overlay? Then it will end up in the rootfs.tar.

Or you can edit the .tar without extracting it.

theCalcaholic commented 2 months ago

I'm not sure if I understand you correctly, but the structure of the resulting archive needs to be like this:

|--- rootfs (unpacked rootfs.tar)
|--- metadata.yaml

I don't see how I could possibly inject the metadat.yaml in the rootfs.tar and get the above structure...

paralin commented 2 months ago

@theCalcaholic two approaches to try:

  1. Edit the tar with standard tools.

# Check if input file is provided
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 <input.tar>"
    exit 1

TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d)

# Create metadata.yaml
cat << EOF > "${TEMP_DIR}/metadata.yaml"
architecture: "amd64"
creation_date: $(date +%s)
  description: "Ubuntu 20.04 LTS"
  os: "ubuntu"
  release: "focal"

# Add metadata.yaml to the new tar
tar cf "${OUTPUT_TAR}" -C "${TEMP_DIR}" metadata.yaml

# Append contents of original tar with modified paths
tar tf "${INPUT_TAR}" | sed 's|^|rootfs/|' | tar --append --file="${OUTPUT_TAR}" --transform='s|^|rootfs/|' -C "$(dirname "${INPUT_TAR}")" -T -

# Clean up
rm -rf "${TEMP_DIR}"

echo "Modified tar created: ${OUTPUT_TAR}
  1. Edit with python
import tarfile
import io

def modify_tar(input_tar, output_tar, prefix='rootfs/', metadata_content=''):
    with, 'r') as original_tar:
        with, 'w') as new_tar:
            # Add metadata.yaml to the root
            if metadata_content:
                metadata_info = tarfile.TarInfo('metadata.yaml')
                metadata_file = io.BytesIO(metadata_content.encode('utf-8'))
                metadata_info.size = len(metadata_content)
                new_tar.addfile(metadata_info, metadata_file)

            # Add all other files with modified paths
            for member in original_tar.getmembers():
                member_data = original_tar.extractfile(member)
                if member_data is not None:
           = prefix +
                    new_tar.addfile(member, member_data)

# Example usage
input_tar = 'input.tar'
output_tar = 'output.tar'
metadata_content = '''
architecture: "amd64"
creation_date: 1620000000
  description: "Ubuntu 20.04 LTS"
  os: "ubuntu"
  release: "focal"

modify_tar(input_tar, output_tar, metadata_content=metadata_content)
print(f"Modified tar created: {output_tar}")

Try these and let me know how it goes!

theCalcaholic commented 1 month ago

Just a small update (I didn't find the time to continue working on this until yesterday):

This I will try next:

theCalcaholic commented 1 month ago

I finally decided to use fakeroot, see #319 :)