⠇ Building module: alt1-electron, Completed: 0 CC(target) Debug/obj.target/nothing/node_modules/node-addon-api/nothing.o
⠴ Building module: alt1-electron, Completed: 0 LIBTOOL-STATIC Debug/nothing.a
⠸ Building module: alt1-electron, Completed: 0warning: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: archive library: Debug/nothing.a the table of contents is empty (no object file members in the library define global symbols)
⠼ Building module: alt1-electron, Completed: 0 CXX(target) Debug/obj.target/addon/native/lib.o
⠸ Building module: alt1-electron, Completed: 0 CXX(target) Debug/obj.target/addon/native/util.o
⠼ Building module: alt1-electron, Completed: 0 CXX(target) Debug/obj.target/addon/native/os_mac.o
⠇ Building module: alt1-electron, Completed: 0../native/os_mac.mm:8:28: error: no member named 'hwnd' in 'OSWindow'
NSWindow* window = [this->hwnd.wnd window];
⠋ Building module: alt1-electron, Completed: 0../native/os_mac.mm:18:15: error: out-of-line definition of 'GetPid' does not match any declaration in 'OSWindow'
int OSWindow::GetPid() {
../native/os_mac.mm:23:12: error: no member named 'hwnd' in 'OSWindow'
if (this->hwnd.winid == 0) {
~~~~ ^
../native/os_mac.mm:35:49: error: no member named 'hwnd' in 'OSWindow'
return Napi::BigInt::New(env, (uint64_t) this->hwnd.winid);
~~~~ ^
../native/os_mac.mm:39:23: error: no member named 'hwnd' in 'OSWindow'
return memcmp(&this->hwnd, &other.hwnd, sizeof(this->hwnd)) == 0;
~~~~ ^
../native/os_mac.mm:39:36: error: no member named 'hwnd' in 'OSWindow'
return memcmp(&this->hwnd, &other.hwnd, sizeof(this->hwnd)) == 0;
~~~~~ ^
../native/os_mac.mm:39:55: error: no member named 'hwnd' in 'OSWindow'
return memcmp(&this->hwnd, &other.hwnd, sizeof(this->hwnd)) == 0;
~~~~ ^
../native/os_mac.mm:43:23: error: no member named 'hwnd' in 'OSWindow'
return memcmp(&this->hwnd, &other.hwnd, sizeof(this->hwnd)) < 0;
~~~~ ^
../native/os_mac.mm:43:36: error: no member named 'hwnd' in 'OSWindow'
return memcmp(&this->hwnd, &other.hwnd, sizeof(this->hwnd)) < 0;
~~~~~ ^
../native/os_mac.mm:43:55: error: no member named 'hwnd' in 'OSWindow'
return memcmp(&this->hwnd, &other.hwnd, sizeof(this->hwnd)) < 0;
~~~~ ^
⠹ Building module: alt1-electron, Completed: 0../native/os_mac.mm:87:7: error: use of undeclared identifier 'OSGetProcessName'
if (OSGetProcessName(buf[i]) == name) {
⠧ Building module: alt1-electron, Completed: 011 errors generated.
make: *** [Debug/obj.target/addon/native/os_mac.o] Error 1
✖ Rebuild Failed
Im on a mac and getting an error no member 'hwnd' in OSWindow when running npm run nativ after having done npm install. Below the full error.
mainfolder@Main-MBP alt1-electron % npm run native
⠇ Building module: alt1-electron, Completed: 0 CC(target) Debug/obj.target/nothing/node_modules/node-addon-api/nothing.o ⠴ Building module: alt1-electron, Completed: 0 LIBTOOL-STATIC Debug/nothing.a ⠸ Building module: alt1-electron, Completed: 0warning: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: archive library: Debug/nothing.a the table of contents is empty (no object file members in the library define global symbols) ⠼ Building module: alt1-electron, Completed: 0 CXX(target) Debug/obj.target/addon/native/lib.o ⠸ Building module: alt1-electron, Completed: 0 CXX(target) Debug/obj.target/addon/native/util.o ⠼ Building module: alt1-electron, Completed: 0 CXX(target) Debug/obj.target/addon/native/os_mac.o ⠇ Building module: alt1-electron, Completed: 0../native/os_mac.mm:8:28: error: no member named 'hwnd' in 'OSWindow' NSWindow* window = [this->hwnd.wnd window];