Closed andriyun closed 7 years ago
It's work for me. I installed subtheme with this changes in Macif project.
I see several lint errors:
Time: 105ms; Memory: 6Mb
Moved report to separate issue
Thanks for the link @andypost
Do we have anything that blocks us to merge this pull request?
How to check:
cd themes
drush en components -y
git clone && cd zen && git checkout gulp-clone-task
cd zen
docker run --name zen-container --rm -v $(pwd):/work -v $(pwd)/../gulpclone:/gulpclone -it skilldlabs/frontend:zen sh -c 'npm i gulp-regex-rename yargs && gulp --theme_name gulpclone'
drush en gulpclone -y
drush config-set system.theme default gulpclone -y