skillenza-com / MishMash-India-2020

MishMash hackathon is India’s largest online diversity hackathon. The focus will be to give you, regardless of your background, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, skill sets and viewpoints, an opportunity to showcase your talent. The Hackathon is Live from 6:00 PM, 23rd March to 11:55 PM, 1st April, 2020
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Akatsuki - EPTRAMS - Social Impact #154

Open 13point5 opened 4 years ago

13point5 commented 4 years ago

ℹ️ Project information

Epidemic Tracking and Maintenance System (EPTRAMS)

  1. Social Impact

  2. Mishmash Hack

  3. Quarantine and Effort Management System

  4. Team name: AKATSUKI

  5. Team members

    • Bharath Sriraam R R => @13point5
    • Hazz Saeed Haris => @samuraihazz1
    • Yashvardhan Kukreja => @yashvardhan-kukreja
    • Avradeep Gupta => @AvradeepGupta
  6. Links

  7. Repository Link(s): QMA Client: QMA Server: EMA Client:

  8. Presentation Link:

🔥 Your Pitch

The Corona virus incident has been a disaster in several ways. It hit the world hard and fast and we were extremely unaware.

The situation is worsening and time is of the essence at this moment. If we don't act fast and if we don't act right, this could cause permanent damage for the years to come.

Social distancing is a great first step to support the country but we want to do so much more to help our state governments with the apps that we have created here.

The Quarantine Management apps along with the effort management apps will help state governments organize and react to situations way faster than they can otherwise savings countless lives in the process while inhibiting the spread of the contagion.

The features we are presenting to you include

  1. This application of the state government will be having the repository of tracked citizens and will sub allocate management roles to concerned districts and concerned CHC (usually 9-10 within districts) and PHC (usually 9-10 under 1 CHC).

  2. This sub-allotment will be done based on GIS mapping of their administrative units that will be available as a GIS layer. Each PHC will have a set of medical officers that will get cases distributed among them based on phone numbers taken from their HR directory. The concerned Medical Officer (MO) will get a calendar of visits generated for him to visit QC (Quarantined Citizens) and fill a checklist of Home quarantine guidelines along with pictures.

  3. The district and state dashboards should be able to see diagnostics on following and raise alerts for MOs for appropriate cases: a. Ci who has not activated app. b. Ci which have turned off GPS. c. Ci who has not sent day’s photos. d. Ci which have raised alarm. e. Ci which have gone outside a predetermined radius (2 km). f. Ci movement map in the last 14 days. g. Ci visited by the administration (number of visits) h. Ci medically tested and quarantined. i. Quality of quarantine for each Ci in last 24hrs, 72hrs and lifetime

  4. The tracking should end automatically after the present N days. Each Cis tracks should be stored and once any suspected case becomes an actual case, the path history of said person should feed into the general app for backtracking.

🔦 Any other specific thing you want to highlight?


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