skillenza-com / MishMash-India-2020

MishMash hackathon is India’s largest online diversity hackathon. The focus will be to give you, regardless of your background, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, skill sets and viewpoints, an opportunity to showcase your talent. The Hackathon is Live from 6:00 PM, 23rd March to 11:55 PM, 1st April, 2020
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binarySunset - COVID-Kicker - Deep Tech #51

Open k4rth33k opened 4 years ago

k4rth33k commented 4 years ago

ℹ️ Project information

  1. Theme: Deep Tech - Detection of COVID-19 with X-ray images.

  2. Project Name: COVID-Kicker

  3. Short Project Description: A fully automated, deep learning-powered REST API to detect COVID-19 from X-ray images.

  4. Team Name: binarySunset

  5. Team Members: Kartheek Surampudi (@k4rth33k), Naga Nikshith (@naganikshith04), Hruday Pavithrachary (@hruday007)

  6. Demo Link: API:, YouTube Video:

  7. Repository Link(s):

  8. Presentation Link:

  9. Azure Services Used- Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS), Azure Storage, Azure Container Instance (Details in the presentation).

🔥 Pitch

      The COVID-19 pandemic is not new to anyone. The number of cases is growing so fast that the pace at which the counter-measures are being conducted is not enough. Many individuals and companies have built deep learning-based solutions around the publicly available datasets but the data is flowing in as new cases keep popping up.       This project proposes a solution to keep up with the new data. A REST API to serve the deep learning model to detect COVID-19 from XRay images and an automated pipeline that trains the model with the new data and updates the API.

🔦 Additional Notes

The repo and presentation were updated after the first posting of the issue. The youtube video link will be added soon. If there is any problem with the demo links, please contact me (Kartheek Surampudi) on slack for further assistance.

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