So here already the conversion Swiss NeTEx -> EPIP has failed. and made somehting strange
missing_calendar_and_calendar_date_files (happens also by blablacar gtfs -> netex -> epip -> gtfs)
The service_id with the DayTpe exist in the GTFS (trips.txt, but are not written to the GTFS.
agency.txt missing (happens only here with swiss 4)
The intermediate NeTEx (GTFS -> EPIP) still contains OperatorRef of the Line, the ResponsibilitySets and the Operators.
It doesn't have Operators on the ServiceJourneys (besides the ResponsibilitySet.
So no clue, what went wrong.
stop_time_with_arrival_before_previous_departure_time (only in swiss4)
e.g. tripId ch:1:ServiceJourney:ch:1:sjyid:100001:8995-00191029.j24_376
The NeTEX EPIP that was produced is correct with Offset set:
Started with:
Intermediate EPIP NeTEx
The GTFS is too big, so I could not upload it. But it is easy to generate with the script runner.
The following errors occur ins (the output) (
foreign key violation (happens also by blablacar netex -> epip -> gtfs)
Example: line 7 in stop_times.txt: points to: ch:1:ScheduledStopPoint:8506100:3 This key does not exist in stops.txt There only exist
The intermediary NeTEx contains it (without coordinates) and a generated one with coordinates:
ScheduledStopPoint:8506100:3 is used as point in a ServiceJourneyPattern. No PSA exists
PSA situation:
So here already the conversion Swiss NeTEx -> EPIP has failed. and made somehting strange
missing_calendar_and_calendar_date_files (happens also by blablacar gtfs -> netex -> epip -> gtfs)
The service_id with the DayTpe exist in the GTFS (trips.txt, but are not written to the GTFS.
agency.txt missing (happens only here with swiss 4)
The intermediate NeTEx (GTFS -> EPIP) still contains OperatorRef of the Line, the ResponsibilitySets and the Operators. It doesn't have Operators on the ServiceJourneys (besides the ResponsibilitySet. So no clue, what went wrong.
stop_time_with_arrival_before_previous_departure_time (only in swiss4)
e.g. tripId ch:1:ServiceJourney:ch:1:sjyid:100001:8995-00191029.j24_376
The NeTEX EPIP that was produced is correct with Offset set:
The processing seems to be off only for the last stop (Olten):