GTFS calendar and calendar_dates can be seen within NeTEx as a DayType and ValidBits where isAvailable=True and ValidBits where IsAvailable=False. The big difference is that in the later case there is an explicit distintinction between something this is marked positive and something that is marked negative.
In NeTEx I haven't yet found any concept that within NeTEx can act as a Group of AvailabilityConditions other than the currently available AvailabilityRelStructure which is present on the ServiceJourney.
Now the problem is: how to fold the data originally obtained from the source data back into GTFS. Materialising the available dates within from and to is not what I am looking for. This would basically lose the information explictly stored in GTFS.
GTFS calendar and calendar_dates can be seen within NeTEx as a DayType and ValidBits where isAvailable=True and ValidBits where IsAvailable=False. The big difference is that in the later case there is an explicit distintinction between something this is marked positive and something that is marked negative.
In NeTEx I haven't yet found any concept that within NeTEx can act as a Group of AvailabilityConditions other than the currently available AvailabilityRelStructure which is present on the ServiceJourney.
Now the problem is: how to fold the data originally obtained from the source data back into GTFS. Materialising the available dates within from and to is not what I am looking for. This would basically lose the information explictly stored in GTFS.